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kokichi steps into the school, beaming a smile in rantaro's direction.

rantaro looks around before hesitantly waving and giving a small smile. the violette makes his way through the crowd to get to the grade 11 rep but rantaro was already gone.

it made kokichi sad but he shrugs off the feeling, making his way down the hall and to his locker.

his head perks up, he spots kiibo and walks in his direction.

"good morning kiibo!", he exclaims.

"good morning kokichi.", kiiboy answers back, he was about to speak before something catches his attention from the corner of his eye. he puts an arm around kokichi's shoulder, bringing the shorter closer to him as they walk off.

"i-is something the matter kiibo?"

the platinum-haired male shakes his head, glancing back in the opposing direction. "no. we were in the middle of the crossroads, that's what."

kokichi nods in response. "o-okay.."


"hey rantaro!", kokichi exclaims. the advacado boy turns around and catches the shorter in his arms before he trips. the violette beams a smile as a sign of thanks.

"i.. i shouldn't be talking to you ko'..", he says softly, releasing his grip from kokichi's shoulders. the other was puzzled.

"wh-what do you mean?", he asks, tilting his head at an angle. "we're best friends, aren't we?"

"yes, of coyrse we are.. but i was threatened..", rantaro admits. he kneels down to kokcihi's eye level, turning back and his eyes meet with a someone else's eyes. sweat trickles down his spine as he immediately grabs kokichi by the arm and runs out of the cafeteria. "shit.. he's there.."

"r-rantaro?! wh-what's happening?! where are we going?!!", kokichi shouts but his words get lost as rantaro continues to run, as if his life depended on it.

"there's no time to explain. i just know that i'm in great danger..", rantaro replies, he lets out a sigh as soon as they two were off school ground. "look ko', i love you but i'm not allowed to hang iut with you anymore.. some guy said he'd kill me and take everything away from me.."

kokichi was in shock. no one had the right to say such a thing to his best friend!

"that's terrible! do i have to beat them up for you?"

rantaro shakes his head. "don't worry about it. he'll give me another chance but we can't see or even look at each other.."

"r-rantaro.. i-"

"it's for the best.. i don't want you getting hurt in the process.", rantaro admits, pressing a small kiss on kokichi's forehead. "i love you ko'. stay safe and don't fall for anyone's trap. no matter how they look, there's always more than what the eye sees."

just like that, rantaro vanished.

kokichi frowns. he was sad once more, now that his first love couldn't hang out with him no more.

it was all thanks to this one specific person that threatened him.

'this absolutely sucks.', he mutters to himself.


grapepanta just posted!

grapepanta what the hell were we? tell me we werent just friends, this doesnt make much sense,,

emohatboy liked your post.

emohatboy commented on your post.

emohatboy: god youre adorable 🤧

emohatboy: but you seem to be sad..

emohatboy: you want to talk about it? :)

emohatboy: dm me?

kiiboy liked your post.

kiiboy commented on your post.

kiiboy: dont feel sad kokichi!! im here for you if you want to talk!!

rantaroamami liked your post.

kokichi waits.

he sits and stares at his screen.

rantaro didn't comment.

'fucking shuichi.', kokichi cusses, opening up his dms and sending a message to emohatboy.


grapepanta: did you tell rantaro to stay away from me

emohatboy: what

emohatboy: ahha no way

emohatboy: ofc not ko!! id never!!

grapepanta: youre a shitty liar

grapepanta: you normally perfect your grammar when you text and never use abbreviations.

emohatboy: im only trying to save you kokichi

emohatboy: rantaro amami is dangerous

emohatboy: you shouldnt hang out with a rich asshole like him when you have someone like me

grapepanta: jealous much?

grapepanta: or are you just overprotective?

grapepanta: may i add controlling onto that list too?

emohatboy: geez no need to be so harsh on me

grapepanta: you fucking told my best friend to stay away from me

grapepanta: wtf?? thats not cool at all

emohatboy: i really care for you kokichi

emohatboy: that's why i'm doing all this

emohatboy: it's for you and only you

emohatboy: for us.

grapepanta: you probably said that to all the girls you dated.

grapepanta: kaede, maki, angie, kirumi hell, and maybe even himiko.

emohatboy: you're different kokichi

emohatboy: i genuinely care for you

emohatboy: i could drown in your eyes and i'd be swimming until you love me

grapepanta: fucking creep.

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