Chapter 9- Hanging on

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"You and Namjoon seem to be close lately"

I feel a rush of goosebumps run through me as Hoseok's hot breath hits the back of my neck. I know he notices, he had to he was much too close.

All I do is nod as I continue to fix my drink to my liking, Hoseok steps next to me and adds one sugar to my coffee.


I mumble as I start to stir, I catch a smile on his lips and my chest tightens. I missed him and I hated that I did because I was doing so well without him around.

I stir slowly as Hoseok fixes up his coffee as well. I watch his pretty hands work and miss the touch of them, I can easily Envision them wrapped around my neck or slapping my ass and leaving his handprint...

"Is something going on between you two that I should know about?"

I shake my thoughts and meet his gaze, he looks anxious and sad and it breaks my heart even when it shouldn't. I shake my head again but he doesn't seem to believe me fully, I glance over at our table and see Mila really talking it up with Namjoon. He's laughing a little and for some reason it bothers me that she can make him laugh and shy away the way I do.

"I miss you"

I freeze.

It's like my whole body goes numb and whatever is left of my heart starts to crumble away.

I hated that I was this weak sensitive person but it was like no matter what I do to make myself stronger it just vanished at the sight of Hoseok. I didn't want to be weak around him, I didn't want his words to effect me so much but they do. And I don't know what to do to stop it.

I look up at him, I can feel the fresh tears pricking at my eyes but I don't let them fall. Instead I leave. I sprint for the door and just take off, I can hear not only Hoseok but Namjoon calling out for me but I block them both out and just run.


It's dark out now and somehow I managed to make it home with no wallet, keys or even my phone. My legs literally feel like they are about to break in half but I made it. I'm so close to my front door my knees just wanna cave.

I halt when I see my lights are on, it was definitely one of the boys but who I wasn't sure. I just hoped it wasn't all three cause god I really wasn't in the mood to face them all right now.

I push my front door open and kick off my shoes before quietly trying to make my way past the living room and kitchen. But that would be too easy right?

Before I even hear a voice or even footsteps arms are being wrapped around me. I already know who it is and I'm not sure what would be the right reaction right now.

"You scared me" he whispers, another rush of goosebumps coat my skin and I feel myself crumbling.

"Why are you here?"

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