Letter Of A Lifetime

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I take a seat in my class, looking around the room at all of the other orphaned kids. Yes, even though this is an orphanage, it also has a school, so I still get an education. It's a Wednesday, that means it's the day we all get mail at lunch, even though no one ever gets any, only from friends and such. 

I walk with a couple friends to the bathroom, since it's protocol to wash our hands before lunch. While washing my hands, I look at myself in the mirror. Looking into my own eyes with disappointment, because they're two different colors. 

Yup, I have what I read in a book as "Heterochromia" basically I have two different eye colors. My left eye's a light brown color, while my right eye is bright blue, so I usually have the front of my hair covering my left eye. But also lucky me because most cases of heterochromia only has part of one eye a different color, while I have completely different eyes. I'm ugly because of that.

I wipe my hands off on my dress that they give us and start heading to the cafeteria. I sit at my usual table with my friend, Katelyn, who is really my best friend.

"Hey, Y/n, ready for another round of chess? I've been practicing and this time I think I'll beat ya!" She yells playfully, I laugh and slap her arm.

"Oh, Kate, you know that no matter how hard you try, I'll always be the master. So try me!" I playfully mime beating her up, which makes her laugh. Then she gets a moment of realization.

"Oh yeah! Y/n, happy birthday! You're fifteen now! *Sigh* I miss my fifteenth birthday, alcohol, parties, and boys," she starts acting dramatically, I roll my eyes playfully.

"One, you turned fifteen three months ago. Two, this is a catholic orphanage, you have never had alcohol. Three, what boys? We're not allowed to be in the same class as boys, let alone see them," she laughs at me.

"You right." No one else speaks as the few letters are being given out. And for the first time ever, I got a letter, "Ooooh you got a letter, who's it from?" She asks, probably thinking that I have a boyfriend or secret admirer. But the handwriting spelling my name is something I could never forget. 

I don't bother to answer, which concerns her. She looks me in my eyes, I don't bother to turn away as tears start to form.

"Y/n? Y/n are you okay? What is it? Who's it from?" I feel the tears falling down my face.




"My mom."




"What?" I can hear the confusion in her voice.

"This is my mom's handwriting. I have letters from her from when I was around seven years old, which was about the age I was when she died. She must have left me one for this day." I watch her eyes reach the size of dinner plates.

"Holy crap. Well open it!" She always wants what's best for me, so she needs to know what's happening. I carefully open the envelope, trying my best not to tear the paper. I pull out the letter and start reading it out loud.

"My Dearest, Y/n,

Happy fifteenth birthday! Today's the day I was supposed to tell you about something very important, but when you were about 7 I got badly burnt in a fire and I'm dying from an infection because of the burns, I'm currently writing my last goodbye notes in my last day at the hospital. I knew from the moment I saw your eyes that you would make the world a better place, and even though your father was the one who started the fire in order to get the only money I had, he loved you as well.

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