Two Mothers, And Two More Brothers

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I rush over to where Oscar and Morris are, all of the newsies eyes on me. 

"Hey, I just sold my last paper!" I yell, Morris pats my head and smiles.

"Well congrats on doin' so good on your foist day!" He says, which makes me smile. I turn back around and all the boys are looking at me weirdly again.

"Um, why are they looking at us weirdly?" Oscar and Morris look away from me, but Oscar speaks first.

"Well, youse see, we ain't really populah. Wese keep them boys in line, which means we kinds have to... Hoit them at times. Which is why it's strange for a little newsie likes you tah be talking to us withouts a bloody nose," I nod, feeling bad for those boys.

"Why?" They both kinda shrug.

"We gets paid well," Oscar says, "we don't likes hoiting kids, but we's have tah."

"Okay, just don't hurt Crutchie, he's the only one who's been nice to me," They smile honestly.

"We won't, I can promise you that," Morris says. I smile, still feeling bad for them, but I know that there's nothing I can do. So they lead me back to their home, I shockingly don't feel as though I'm in danger as I step into a boy's place.

Looking around the place, I see that it's very plain, there's a chess table, a couch, and a small kitchen that looks as though it hasn't been used in years. Inside the bedroom, it's just two maybe twin or full sized beds. I hear coughing in another room, I look inside and see an old lady lying in bed, frail and broken looking. The boys enter the room as well. I take off my hat and eyepatch and hold them in my hands.

"Hey ma, wes back. And we have someone stayin' wit us, this is Y/n," Oscar kneels next the lady and holds her hand, I see her opening her eyes slightly and spots me. She gains this smile that could clear away any cloud in the sky.

"Why hello young lady. Oh, you probably look so beautiful. Tell me, have my boys been treating you good?" Her voice is quiet, you have to lean into it in order to hear her.

"Yes, they're very kind and caring," She laughs carefully.

"Thank goodness, I was worried when they told me they beat up newsies for a living that they had lost all their empathy, so tell me, does one of my boys have a wife yet?" I laugh audibly.

"Haha! Not that I know of," she moves her shaky hand and gestures for me to get next to her. I do, she looks at my face for a moment then smiles.

"Oh, you're such a beautiful girl. You'd make a great wife to my Oscar," I laugh then back away. I look back to Oscar and he's blushing from embarrassment.

"Thank you, but he's just taking care of me for now, nothing romantic, Miss," she takes her hand in mine.

"I'm Irene, these two boys are my sons. I guess you'll be like a sister to them, then, which would make me happy to be a mother again," I feel tears prick at my eyes.

"You're very kind, Irene. I'd be glad to be your daughter. Your boys are already brothers to me, more of brothers than my actual brother. I just don't know how to get him to love me, he called me a freak when I told him that he's my last remaining relative and I'm his. What do I do?"

"I'll tell you this, my older sister, Lilith-"

"Her name was Tilly ma," Morris reminds her

"Right, Tilly tossed me out as soon as our parents passed on. One day, she got ill, and came to me for help, even if I had money I wouldn't help her, because she was so cruel to me. She realized too late that what she did was horrific. So your brother will need to learn on his own, I mean, trust me, I spent eleven years of my life trying to get her to love me, and she never did. If he's truly a good person, he'll realize."

"But he's the only family I have left-"

She grips my face, not hard, but enough for me to look her in the eyes. She then points to a photo of two young Delancey brothers and a young woman who I'm guessing is her. It hits me that she's not their birth mom. She has blonde hair and bright blue eyes, while the boys have dark brownish black hair and brown eyes.

"Now you listen to me, just because you're related, doesn't make them family. I mean, when I took these boys in two years ago-"

"It was twelve years ago, ma," Oscar looks to the ground.

"Twelve years ago, these boys were so frail and so I took them in. I only found out a while after that, that people don't have to be blood bound to become a family. Because I have mine right here, and I wasn't the one to bring them into this world, but by fate, we found each other," I give her a hug, not fully understanding but still connecting to it.

"Thank you, Irene. You're my hero," I pull away and I see her give the most grandmother-y smile.

"No, I'm your mother. And just looking at your beautiful face, I know that you will do great things, don't let family ruin your future." This time, I don't bother holding back my tears. She sounds exactly like how my mom sounded in her letter.

I watch her close her eyes close as she drifts off to sleep. Morris rests a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it carefully. I stand up and we all leave the room, Morris and Oscar both sit me down on the couch.

"When Morris was four and I was five, our foist family tossed us to da rats, and fa two years, we was beggin' for money to's survive. 'Ntil Irene founds us, and took us in as her own. She had already lost hers son in childbirth, so she took us in and wes became a family..." Oscar starts, leaving Morris to finish the story.

"Until one day, when I was eleven and Oscar was twelve, she got sick, the same sickness as her sista. So we worked as sort of guards fa newsies, to keep them in line. We tried being kind, but they wouldn't listens. Our bosses saids that if we don't keep thems in line, we woulds of been fired. Sos we started roughing them up a bit, but we didn't wants to. We just spend most of our day taking care of mom. That's why we does bad stuff."

They're both crying at this point, and so am I. Until Oscar speaks up.

"How 'bout this, I make dinner, and you twos set up your bed," he points to me, I nod.

Me and Morris both set up the couch as a makeshift bed, while Oscar is in the kitchen, cooking. Which is funny because I'd never peg him for a chef. I smell the most delicious smell ever and turn to Oscar, who's finishing up dinner.

"Bon apetit!"

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