Finally Family

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Skipping a bit because no one wants me to just use the newsies script for all of the story.

I just watched Jack's interaction with Kathrine go down. I watch her walking away, so I rush to catch up with her. I've abandoned my eyepatch and hat at this point, showing that I'm not afraid to be a girl newsie.

"Hey! Miss Kathrine!" She turns around and smiles.

"Hey there, little miss... I didn't catch your name," I smile, I like not having to be referred to as a guy.

"My name is Y/n, but the newsie name is Ash. Anyways, I'm Jack's sister," she shows a face with a bit of shock in it.

"I didn't know he had a sister," I laugh.

"And I didn't know I had a brother until about a week and a half ago," this makes her laugh with me.

"Hah! You're funny, Y/n! But anyways, what's up?" I remember what I was going to say.

"Oh yeah! So, you're writing about the strike. And since you're writing for The Sun, do you think that'll catch the attention of Pulitzer? Since he runs The World. Also will other newsies read it?" She smiles.

"I am one hundred percent sure that Pulitzer will know. And as for the other newsies, once one hears about it, they all will. So don't worry about that," I smile, letting a bit of my happiness out with a 'phew'.

"Thank you, Kathrine. It's just like David and Goliath, isn't it?" She gives me a surprised and questioning stare.

"How do you know about David and Goliath?" I have to remember that not everyone knows I went to school.

"I was raised in a catholic orphanage, where we went to school and read the bible a lot. That's how I know about it," she clicks her tongue.

"That would make sense. Anyways, I'd better get to writing. I see you tomorrow!" She says as she heads off to home, I yell 'goodbye' and head off to the lodging house, where I know Jack will be.

The walk to there is nice, but I get a lot of questioning stares from some older people wondering why a woman is wearing pants. But I ignore them and move along. Once I reach the lodging house, I spot Crutchie sitting outside.

"Hey, Crutchie!" He turns around and smiles a smile that could spread like butter.

"Heya, Y/n!" I walk up to him.

"What'cha doing out here?" I ask.

"Just needed a bit ah fresh air," I nod, standing next to him, "So. Youse fin'lly got your bruddah to love ya, that's awesome!" I laugh.

"Yeah, it really is." I think for a moment before asking him something, "Do you think that now Jack at least tolerates me, Oscar and Morris will hate me?" He shakes his head.

"Nah. You can always learn tah love someone, but you can'ts evah learn tah hate someone. They may end up bein' upset wit ya, but they could nevah hate ya. And with Jack, youse really nice. I know that if he gets tah know you, he'll wish that he was nicea to you sooner."

"But what if he doesn't? I mean, how do I know he'll actually care about me?" He puts a hand on my shoulder, I look him in the eye and he smiles. He is so handsome and adorable in a nonromantic way.

"I can assure you, that if for some unknown reason he ends up not likin' ya, then me and Davey will make sure he loves ya. Us weirdos gotta stick togetha." I laugh, feeling myself shivering from happiness.

"So we're friends?" I ask, he pats my shoulder.

"Friends 'til the ends. And I nevah leave a friend behind," I hug him carefully as to not hurt either of us. I pull away after a second or two and head inside. I'm greeted by none other than Race himself.

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