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I shoo Spot away and go knock on their door. After about 4 seconds, it's opened by little Les. He looks up at me and smiles widely.

"Y/n!" He hugs my legs, I hug him back.

"Hey, Les! What'cha up to?" He points to behind him, revealing Davey with water drenched on his face and him screaming.

"Torturing David. What about you?" I laugh.

"Well, I was just wondering if I could just stay one more night? I don't really feel safe in a small house with around twenty boys," Les nods.

"Yeah, let me just ask mom. Make yourself feel at home though," he rushes to the other room while yelling that last part. I take a step inside, being instantly spotted by Davey. Who blushes and stands up.

"Hey there, Y/n. What are you doin' here?" There's a drop of water sitting on the tip of his nose. This makes me laugh. I walk over to him and wipe it off, making him smile.

"No reason, I just was wondering if I could stay another night. I don't really feel comfortable sleeping in a room with a ton of boys who I don't even know." He nods, getting what I mean. Even though that's not really why I'm here.

"Got it. Well I'm sure that'd be find, as long as you wouldn't mind a demon running around the house." I smile. Les rushes through a door.

"Mom says you can stay! But she also wants to have a talk with you." I nod and walk into the room he left. In there is a man sleeping in bed, wearing a cast. And Davey's mom sitting on the bed.

"Hello, Ms. Jacobs. Thank you so much for your hospitality, I promise to pay you back for the damage I've costed as soon as I get enough money-"

"Don't worry about it. You're fine. And please, my name is Esther. I just called you in here to say that you need to get either Les or David to help you make the couch."

"Thank you, Ms. Esther. I owe you," she holds her hand up, stopping me from leaving.

"Y/n, where did you come from again?"

"Stamford, Connecticut. Maybe a ten hour train ride from here," she looks a bit shocked.

"You rode ten hours here just to see your brother?" I nod.

"Wait, how do you know that I came here to see my brother?" She laughs and puts her hand on her chest.

"Well, since the first day he met you, David has been telling me about you non-stop. How you bumped into Les and were really sweet about it. How you disguised yourself as a boy in order to work. How your brother didn't accept you at first. How much you've worked just to have your brother love you and you still were optimistic when times got hard. You're a really good kid, too. I'm shocked he hasn't told you how beautiful you are." I blush.

"Heh, but we're just friends," she chuckles lightly.

"Yeah, sure. You two are the exact same and Mayer and I were when we were younger. It may not be romantic now, but trust me when I say that he likes you. He just may not know it yet," I blush 10x harder than ever.

"Okay then. Thank you, Esther. I'd better get to bed." She waves me off as I stand up.

I walk out into the living room and see that no one's there. I walk into Les and Davey's room and see Davey shirtless. My mouth is left ajar and my eyes don't leave his body. He turns around and sees me.

"Gah!" He screeches and rushes me out of the room. I stand there, blushing and blanking out. After about a minute, Davey comes out.

"Sorry, I should've knocked first," I apologize to him, he waves me off.

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