Chapter 57

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Chapter Fifty Seven

I look around my yard to see it crowded with my favorite people. Ethan thought it'd be a great idea to put each of our names down for an egg toss at the schools upcoming end of the year games.

He was at lunch one day and walked to the sign up sheet. He wrote down his name, plus eight more.

School games are just for entertainment. There's no prize or really even competition. It's just a thing they do at the end of every year where the seniors get out in front of everyone to preform little games.

They had something like this at my old school. It's a lot of fun to watch but I never even considered myself playing the games.

"This is so stupid, screw you for listing my name Ethan." Adalyn glares at him but I know she's secretly excited. None of us have a problem doing it. We may whine and groan about it but in reality I'm glad he signed us up. We wouldn't have ever done it ourselves but now we have the chance to make the memory of a lifetime.

Everyone except Josephine is participating. She's sitting out because she might actually puke if she has to go up in front of everyone. She's terribly shy if you don't know her.

"I don't know, I think it'll be fun." Erica retorts with a simple shrug.

"Agreed," I give Erica a triumphant grin, "we'll be graduating soon and it's moments like these that we'll hold with us forever."

Mason walks by and elbows me in the arm, "Easy for you to say. Trace is your partner, I've got Ethan."

"Hey!" he whines.

Lucas laughs, "At least you don't have Adalyn."

She walks through the yard and trips on a stick, stumbling a little, but catching her balance quickly.

"Agreed." Mason nods.

She struts towards them, stopping in between the two. She lifts each hand over each of their heads and hits them simultaneously.

I went to the store after school today and bought three dozen eggs for us to use. We all get in two lines across the yard, everyone facing their partner a few feet away.

It's Trace and I, Lucas and Adalyn, Mason and Ethan, Cameron and Erica.

Josephine assigned herself to be the helper since she isn't playing. She runs up and places an egg in each of the girls hands, plus Ethan. Everyone that's on the right side gets an egg while their partner on the left has to catch it in a minute.

The purpose of this game is to throw the egg, catch it without it breaking. If it breaks, you lose; if you drop it, you lose. After each toss, one partner takes a step back until all but one team has a cracked egg.

Trace cups out his hands. I toss the egg through the air, he catches it easily.

He smirks at me confidently before tossing it back. Knowing me and my lack of sports, I don't catch it. The egg falls on the ground and cracks.

Josephine sees this and brings us another.

It's a good thing Erica had the idea for us to practice this before going out in front of everyone thinking an egg toss is simple.

Because it's not.

Trace throws it to me and I miss it again.

"Sorry!" I shout to him.

He laughs and tosses another.

I catch it this time! But I catch it too hard and it breaks in my hands, leaving egg yolk running through my fingers.

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