Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty Five

"Mom?" I ask quickly but instead of my mothers soft voice, I hear a deep voice that I'd recognize anywhere.

"Not quite baby," he says and suddenly everything in the world feels better as I hear the wonderful voice of my daddy speaking. I was so scared I'd never hear that sound again.

My voice becomes weak as a few tears escape. Not painful tears but tears I've been holding in since he had an accident. Tears I've been too scared to cry because I felt like crying would only make it harder but I'm not scared anymore. I welcome the tears that turned from bad to good the moment I heard my daddys beautiful voice.

"Daddy." I say with all the joy in the word overflowing me through my voice, "How are you feeling?"

He laughs a little bit, a sound I'll no longer take for granted.

"Like I fell off a roof," he says jokingly and I laugh, feeling the tears roll down my face.

"I'm serious, what did the doctor say?" I ask him with the best smooth voice I could muster up between the cries.

Even though I'm crying, I'm the happiest I could possibly be. For the past twelve hours I've been doing the best I can to keep the tears away. Trying my hardest to not think about my father because I knew all that would happen was I would break down and it'd slow me down from getting to him. Hearing his soothing voice on the other end was all I needed. Just that little bit of comfort to know I'll get to see my daddy again.

"The doctor told us that there is no internal bleeding," he says and I let out a breath I wasn't even aware I was holding.

"What else?" I ask him and he sighs.

"She said I have a broken leg and two fractured ribs." he says simply like he's talking about the weather. I know he's only being calm for my sake so I decide to let him think it worked and not bombard him with more questions.

"I'm glad you'll be okay," I tell him and I know he can hear the smile in my voice which makes me happy. I can practically see the smile on his face in my mind.

"I can't wait to see you baby, get here soon okay?" he says and I nod. Even though he can't see it he knows.

He takes a deep breath and begins coughing.

"Dad?" I worry.

"Yea, I'm okay baby. But your mom just got here with food and this is the best meal I've had since being in the hospital. Before your mom got here it was hospital food, then it was her cooking but this time she got take-out." I laugh at his teasing and I can hear my mom in the background saying something back to him, carrying the joke.

"I love you daddy." I tell him with a smile and he returns the three words before ending the call.

As soon as the call is over I drop my phone in my lap throw my head back, letting it rest comfortably on the seat.

"He'll be okay," I tell Trace softly and he looks over at me with a big smile on his face.

"That's great, Ems."

"Yea," I nod, "it is."

I send a quick text to the group chat with all my friends and fill them in on the new information before putting my phone back in my pocket which is hard to do sitting down.

"Have you talked to Adalyn?" I ask Trace when my phone is secured in my pocket and I'm no longer wiggling around like a seal.

He keeps his eyes trained on the road but smiles at just the mere mention of Dylan and Olivia, he really does love those kids.

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