Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

"Hey man, glad you could make it." A tall man with dark brown hair walks up to Trace and hugs him.

The man and woman walk over to me and he extends his hand out for me to shake, "Tyler," he looks at the beautiful woman beside him, "this is my wife Anne."

I take his hand, "I'm Emma, it's nice to meet you both."

Trace sticks out his elbow and we lock arms, "Shall we?"

We begin walking, following the couple in front of us.

The parking lot is full of cars but there are no people around. Nobody's walking around and talking, drinking or even dancing. It's quiet at this part of the church which makes me wonder something.

"Where's the wedding?"

Instead of walking into the Church, we walk right past it. There's a stone path that we follow leading to the back of the Church. The ground slopes down and the stone path turns into stairs going downhill.

As we walk the noise begins to grow and I'm beginning to see where all the people are. From the top of the hill I can see the chapel at the bottom. Guests are filling the benches front row to almost the last row, ten rows on either side of the steps.

Trace leads me down the steps until we find an empty bench that can sit the two of us plus Anne and Tyler.

I pull my arm from Traces, smoothing the back of my dress down before taking a seat beside him.

"When did you get a girlfriend Trace?" Anne laughs, "You were such a goofy looking kid."

Trace fixes his collar with a chuckle, "Is that right?"

Anne laughs and Tyler smiles at the two of them. They seem to have history, some sort of past that I'm not aware of. I'm actually not even certain who she is, I only know her name but I don't know how she knows Trace or how she knows the bride and groom. I don't even know who the bride and groom are.

The only information I have is what Trace has given me, which is practically nothing.

"Emma and I aren't together." he tells her and her smile fades, "She's a good friend."

Anne gives him a knowing look but stays quiet as the music grows into the crowd.

A man walks up to the microphone. He begins welcoming everyone and soon after, the wedding itself starts.

I see the bride walk down the isle with her father. She's beautiful with her hair pulled back and held up with a diamond hair pin going vertically down the back of her head.

Her father releases her to the groom and they each say their vows before the ring exchange and the final pronouncement.

Everyone stands and begins clapping as the brides maids get behind for the flower toss.

The service was about twenty minutes long and now everyone is making their way back up the hill for the celebration.

We go into the fellowship hall where we're introduced with a giant, white cake and punch. There's an entire table filled with little foods like tiny sandwiches and a fruit bowl.

Tyler gets in line for him and Anne while the rest of us go find a table.

Trace sits in the middle of Anne and I. When Tyler comes back with their punch he sits on the other side of Anne.

"How long have you two known each other?" I ask them and they both look at each other for a moment as if trying to decide what to say.

Anne opens her mouth to answer but Trace starts quickly, "Five years."

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