Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

"Are you out of your mind?" Josephine says to Cameron as I take a bite of my chicken sandwich.

"Yea I don't know about this. I've heard prison isn't fun."

"I'm not going to jail, I'd much rather stay home and watch dancing with the stars." Ethan says casually and we all pause to stare at him.

He laughs nervously and shrugs, "What? It's a good show."

He's right, it's a good show so who am I to judge?

I narrow my eyes in confusion at the possibility of us breaking into a store, "So let me get this straight. Because We Zebra is closing you think we should all go to jail?" I ask Cameron and he frowns.

"Not exactly, we'll only go to jail if we get caught and even then they probably won't hold us." he shrugs off likes it's not a big deal.

I give him a look of disbelief and he continues, "Listen, most of us went there all the time as kids and played. It's closing down now and that sucks so," he turns his attention back to the rest of the table, "let's make the most of it's last week."

This idea is completely reckless. Is he on crack? I'm around a lot of guys but I've never seen any of them try and make prison sound like a good idea. To some people jail might not be a big deal but I don't want that on my record.

If I ever become a suspect for murder the first thing they'll do is check my background history and if I have a criminal background I'm higher on the suspect list.

"I won't break into a store Cameron." Erica says firmly.

Glad to know someone is with me. I didn't want to be the only one not on board with this plan but by the expressions I'm gathering from around the table it's obvious there's a few of us who don't think this sounds great.

"Well technically it's not breaking in if you're already inside." Mason suggests.

Expressions change from bewildered to surprised very quickly as we all consider Mason might be okay with this idea.

Cameron wants us to go into the store before closing, hide until the owner is gone and then come out and be locked in for nine hours with no supervision and the constant fear of police showing up.

Great plan!

Note the sarcasm. It's important to always note the sarcasm.

Ethan wipes his hands on his jeans, "Fine, I'm convinced. Count me in."

Well, that didn't take long.

It doesn't surprise me that Ethan is the first to agree. I mean if we would've waited a little longer he'd probably suggest this crazy scheme himself. It doesn't take long to talk Ethan into anything, little daredevil.

Adalyn laughs, "I was hoping I wasn't the only one who thought this could be fun. Hell if I'm missing out on a good time."

Lucas shrugs, "Then I guess I'm in too."

Three of eight are already agreeing to this? Does anyone care about a criminal record?

Josephine looks between the two of them, "Seriously?" she says dramatically and I know it'll come down to Erica, Josephine and I. Maybe Trace too but it's hard to tell what he's thinking right now.

I turn to look at him, ready to find out his thoughts on this, "Are you okay with this? Does the possibility of jail not scare you?"

He shrugs, "I've done worse things," he ponders the idea for a moment, "I'll do it if you do it because Cameron is right, they won't hold us."

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