Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty Eight

"This game is no fun," I state as I land on a 'study for exams, miss a turn' space.

He laughs and his takes two turns.

We've been playing for about twenty minutes and I'm ashamed to say, I don't like this game. I've never played it before today but I don't think I was missing much. Trace is loving the game though. He says he and the kids play it all the time, it's Dylan's favorite game.

Trace lands on a space and pays the bank ten thousand dollars before looking up at me, "Your turn."

I spin the wheel and move my piece, landing a few places away from the marriage choice.

"Can I ask you a question?" he says suddenly as he takes turn.

I look up surprised but curious at the same time. Trace doesn't ask permission to question me on things he just does it.

"Why are you asking? Just say it." I laugh lightly like it's not a big deal, but he keeps his face away from all signs of humor as he stares at the game board.

He licks his lips as if preparing himself for what's about to be said, "I'm asking because it may be a sensitive topic. It's about Cole,"

Why does he have to ruin this good night by asking about Cole? He's the last person I want to talk about, or even think about!

My eyes meet Traces soft, gentle grey ones and I sigh knowing I'm not going to be able to keep my past a secret. Trace wants to know more about me and for some reason I love the thought of him caring enough to ask. I want him to be open with me so the way to encourage that is to do it myself. I'll answer any question he has to ask.

"What's your question?" I ask easily, trying to make him feel like he doesn't have to be nervous about it.

He takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair, "Well I know he's your ex, you confirmed that the first time I met him."

I nod and he continues, "I was just wondering," he pauses and looks off into the distance, "I know it's none of my business, but why did you date him?"

His question takes me by surprise a little bit. Even though I knew it was about Cole and I can never be prepared for anything Cole related, but when he said he had a question I was thinking something along the lines of 'how long were you two together?' or 'why did you break up?'.

It takes me a moment to think of an actual answer because with Cole everything just felt so sudden. There wasn't exactly a reason why I dated him it just happened, now I wish that it hadn't.

"I dated Cole because he meant a lot to me. We were best friends for a year before we got together. I thought he was perfect, but after a little while I realized my mistake."

Traces jaw tenses but he keeps a calm expression on his face, "What did he do?" he asks slowly, as if he's scared of my reaction. Maybe he's scared to hear the answer.

It's amazing to me how even though Trace doesn't know the story, he knows it wasn't my fault Cole and I broke up. He has enough faith in me to know that someone like Cole wouldn't leave because of what I did. But I would leave because of what Cole did.

I answer as simply as I can, trying my best not to go into detail, "He cheated on me."

If there's anything I'll never get tired of seeing, it's the way Traces expression can change so quickly. One minute he can be charming, the next worried, and the next concerned. His concerned look, for some twisted reason, is one of my favorites.

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