Home of the Injured

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   "I'm going to tell you once. Put it down." Paige hissed as she leveled the rifle at the man, Angel loomed in the darkness anger radiating off him. A growl escaped the monster as the man hesitated, he tried to stop the squirming gallimimus baby in his arms. Angel's growling grew louder as the man glanced at the monster beside him and ever so slowly lowered the baby to the ground. The gallimimus baby took off, dashing between Angel's legs as it rushed back to the old house, disappearing inside with ease.

    "How'd you find us?" Paige asked as her finger loomed closer to the trigger. They moved here for safety, for peace. To get away from the onlookers, the critics, the hunters, the government, anyone who wanted to do them harm. Angel moved closer to her now, the pale glow of the moon reflecting off the beasts black hide. The indoraptor's red eyes glowed like embers in a fire as it crept around the intruder like the monster he was known to be. The man sputtered for a moment, trying to find words as Paige raised an eyebrow, obviously irritated with the whole thing. The harsh breath of the three stygimoloch came from over her shoulders as they moved forward to surround the man as well.

    "I followed..." The man stumbled over his words as the three dinosaur's pushed forward, getting closer to him.

    "Who!" Paige growled as the man almost yelped.

    "I followed the biker." The man spat out after what felt like an eternity. Paige clicked her tongue, thinking, they weren't supposed to be known about, what should she do. Her eyes snapped back to the man's as he tried to back up only to hit the body of stygimoloch before being thrust forward again.

    "The biker... the biker hasn't been here in weeks." Paige answered as her eyes snapped to Angel who was running his tongue across his protruding teeth. "Well now... we have a few choices." Paige started as she lowered the rifle, and the dinosaurs backed away a bit. "You can leave and never speak of this again to anyone or I can have my friend eat you. Choice is yours." The man took a tentative step backwards before turning and sprinting away the way he had come.

     Paige released her breath as the four dinosaur's turned their attention to her, before she gave a small nod and the stygimoloch turned giving chase. Angel cocked his head, lowering himself to all fours as he trotted up to his human's side. Paige smiled at the monster before running her hand against the side of his head, and turning to walk back towards the mansion. It was old, and it looked abandoned, pieces of the siding were falling off in places. The windows seemed endlessly black where you could see them through the boards. Part of the ceiling was destroyed, but the old hanger still remained. 

    Paige slung the strap of her adoptive father's rifle over her shoulder, heading towards the house as the morning dew clung to her black ankle high combat boots. Angel trotted beside her, the monster's claws digging up clumps of grass and dirt as they return to the house. Pushing open the back door, Paige moved inside navigating the darkness expertly. Reaching the entrance of the kitchen, she leaned over flipping the light switch on, as the hall light flickered to life. Paige huffed a breath as she moved into the living room hearing the faint chirp of the gallimimus baby. She stopped, before kneeling down and gazing behind the flipped over couch.

    The baby looked up at her, slowly slinking out of its hiding spot and stopping within inches of her. Paige smiled before rubbing the baby's head and getting to her feet, having the little one follow her. She turned leading the baby deeper into the mansion, their steps resounding into the empty house. The place has been empty for a long time, at least that's what her adoptive parents said when they moved here two years ago. It was quiet now, without them almost eerily quiet. Her boots clicked on the stone floor as they entered the diorama room pieces of glass littered the floor around the monstrous Triceratops skull. Paige pays it no mind as she kicks some of the glass away to allow the baby to pass without the worry of getting injured. Angel huffs a breath, gazing up at the skull for a few moments as he comes to a halt forgetting the two moving ahead towards the elevator that sat open at the end of the room. Paige turned to look at the hybrid for a few moments before giving a shrill whistle startling the dinosaur from its thoughts.

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