Blood and Lies

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Paige dug into the chinese food container dumping the remains of the lo mein onto her plate as she continued to dig in. Jon was picking at his sesame chicken as the hum on the dinosaurs lingered in the background. Angel laid behind Paige, a half eaten deer leg in front of him as Blue tore away at the mostly thawed meat. The hybrid's eyes haven't left the two men since they came a few hours ago, and every so often the spikes on his back would rattle. The baryonyx was moving about the bunker, his eyes snapped to the group of humans every once in a while but otherwise he was pacing the length of the bunker.

"They are pretty protective aren't they." Jon muttered as Tony glanced at his friend as Paige nodded.

"Just a bit, we've had issues with people before." Paige answered before another snarl came from Angel as he pinned the piece of deer to the ground helping Blue get another chunk off. The female raptor coos before licking her teeth clean and moving towards the thirteen year old, her claws clicking on the ground. Angel doesn't move, and he doesn't dig into his food.

"So..." Tony cleared his throat as he forced his eyes away from the raptors bloody mouth. "Isla Sorna is-" A roar escaped Angel causing Tony to fall silent. Blue cocked her head a soft roar echoing from her in response.

"It's okay, just go ahead." Paige waved for Tony to continue.

"Isla Sor-" Another roar came from Angel as Blue answered back. "Isla So-" A chirp came from Blue as Angel called back. "Isl-" Paige burst out laughing as the two raptors coo at each other.

"You two." Paige said as she turned to look at the dinosaurs. "Shhh..." Paige raised her hand to her mouth as the two fell silent.

"Okay, can I talk now?" Tony asks as the raptors stay quiet. "Okay, so Isla Sorna is nearly the size of Isla Nublar and it has lots of animals on it. We've been sending any of the captured dinosaurs there. No harm comes to them but they are monitored by our division, just to make sure that they won't leave the island." Tony stated as Paige thought for a few moments.

"So, how do we get there."

"I have a team of people who can come and take them. I will take care of everything."

"No." Paige snapped.


"I won't let strangers take them. My parents made that mistake first, that's why they started doing this. I don't trust others."

"You trust me right?" Jon asked as Paige looked at him.

"What's the organization's name?" Paige questioned before turning her attention back to Tony.

"What does the name have to do with any-"

"Answer the question." Paige hissed as Angel rose to his feet a low growl rumbling from his throat. Blue gave a shrill call as the baryonyx snapped his attention to the group, before crossing the distance to them.

"What does it matter?"

"It matters." Paige muttered as Blue steps closer, a snarl escaping her.

"InGen." Tony stated as Paige doesn't move before turning her attention to Jon.

"What do you know about InGen?" Paige asked.

"They've been taking dinosaurs to the island for a few years now." Jon said.

"Then you don't know anything." Paige blurted as she got to her feet and Blue snarled. "They are the ones who made the indominus rex and they have been creating dinosaurs to use as weapons." Paige muttered. "Now, how about you leave before we have an issue." Paige ordered as Tony slowly got to his feet and started back towards the tunnel as he disappeared into the darkness.

"Paige?" Jon whispered as the thirteen year old glanced at him before returning her attention to the tunnel.

"He can't leave the property." Paige stated as Blue snarled and rushed forward chasing after the man. Screams filled the tunnel a few minutes later as Paige sat down digging back into her food as Jon stared at the teen his eyes wide. "What?"

"You just killed him!"

"It was either him or all of us." Paige responded as Jon pushed himself to his feet as Angel rose to his back feet and the baryonyx stepped closer. "What did you want me to do! Let him get away and tell everyone where we are! No, I can't do that!"

"You're insane!"

"I might be but I will protect them! They are my family!" Paige said gesturing towards the dinosaurs that were laying behind her. Jon didn't seem to care as he pointed back down the tunnel as the screaming went silent.

"He was a human being." Jon stated. "You didn't even blink!"

"I would recommend leaving." Paige hissed as Jon huffed before turning and heading towards the elevator before he stopped just outside the machine.

"There is a ship going to Isla Sorna in five days. Think about it." Jon said before he stepped into the elevator and disappeared to the upper level of the building. Paige growled before she slammed her foot on the ground as Blue came trotting back licking her jaws clean of blood.

"Isla Sorna is dangerous now. We can't go there. We can't go there..." Paige muttered before she looked at her herd as they watched her. She was silent as she thought before she turned and headed toward the elevator. Angel rushed to her side as Blue raced after and the two slid into the elevator as it opened. Paige squeezed between the two raptors, before it started its ascent. Reaching the diorama room Paige pushed herself out from between the two dinosaurs as she rushed to the closest stairwell, finding herself on the next floor. It took her only a few minutes to find the room she needed as her guards followed after. She pushed open the old wooden door before crossing to the electronic desk, she hit the screen a few times getting it to come to life. It flickered for a moment before it glowed a bright blue and it pulled up the main screen, and Paige started digging through the files. After a few minutes she found exactly what she was looking for as she pulled up a map, spinning it towards herself as she smiled down at the island.

"Isla Matanceros... our new home." Paige couldn't help the smile.

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