Sharp Claws and Razor Teeth

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Paige took a deep breath as she returned her attention to the warehouse that was behind her. Her fingers ran up and down the rifle's stock as she took a deep breath eyeing the locked door once more. Blue was pacing a bit behind her as the raptor waited impatiently, a small click coming from her as she gnashed her teeth together.

"Hush, we can't give away our position." Paige whispered as Blue hummed in response but she continued pacing. Paige looked down at her watch, 3:23 am. They needed to move, and slowly Paige slunk out of the brush as the raptor rushed to her side a small hiss rolling from her throat. From what Paige saw there were no cameras around the area but what concerned her was the control pad on the door handle. She didn't know the code, and she couldn't pick the lock even if she wanted. They reached the door in a few moments as Paige gripped the handle looking at the keypad.

"Blue," the raptor turned its attention fully to the young woman, "claws." Paige ordered as Blue cocked her head before moving closer her claws hooking the handle. Paige moved the raptors claws upwards until they were on top of the keypad. Blue blinked a few times before digging her claws into the device ripping it free from its spot. Paige grabbed the handle and with a forceful pull she yanked the door open. No alarms sounded as roars and panicked cries from dinosaurs raced through the air. Blue was ready to rush inside before Paige held up a hand causing the carnivore to pause.

"So then I said..." The voice trailed off as Paige quietly shut the door behind them. She pointed towards the side of a container as the two rushed beside it. A small chirp escaped the crate as Paige attempted to look inside but quickly realized she couldn't. She'd place the faint call of a gallimimus anywhere, but she couldn't get them out now.

Blue gave a small rumble as the raptor moved forward a few steps peeking out the side of the container in the direction of the two voices. Paige quickly accompanied the raptor as she followed the carnivore's gaze as the two soldiers moved away from the two of them. She wondered if they needed to be taken out or she could just release the dinosaurs on their own. The guns on their backs is what really caught Paige's attention, her herd could be killed quite easily. Her decision made, she gestured for Blue to move around the container as the dinosaur happily obliged going to the closest container disappearing from Paige's sight. She trusted the raptor, she knew what to do when it was needed. Paige stepped out following the two men for a few moments as she pulled the pistol from her belt and took aim at the man to the left.

Bang! The pistol sounded as the man crumpled his hands going to his leg as the other turned trying to face the attacker. Unfortunately the second man didn't even get the chance to fully turn before he was greeted by sharp claws and razor teeth. Another pop of the hand gun and the first man fell to the ground unmoving as Blue raised her head blood coating her muzzle and teeth.

"What was that!" A handful of voices sounded further into the warehouse as Paige jerked her head calling Blue after. They rushed past a few containers before Blue came to a halt a small trill coming from her throat. A low rumble escaped a container and Paige stopped dead in her tracks. No... they wouldn't... Paige turned, staring at the container as the voices started getting closer. She sprinted forward unlocking the handle as she yanked it upwards before pulling it back as she scrambled out of the way. Another grumble escaped the container before the large monstrous head of the t-rex emerged. The dinosaur's yellow eye met Paige for a few moments before Blue rushed in front of the teen, giving off a faint snarl. More shouts filled the air as the t-rex pulled herself fully out of the container as she stretched upwards to fully height.

Another roar escaped a closer crate as Paige sprinted over to it throwing the latch upwards. The carnotaurus burst out of the cage as it roared matching the t-rex as the others in the building started screaming. Paige rushed forward throwing open another door as the baryonyx shook his head leaving the container and giving a small hum seeing one of his herd members. Blue growled as she charged forward tackling the first person she saw as her teeth sank into flesh as the rex followed after.

"Stay with me." Paige ordered as the baryonyx watched the three other carnivores going after the humans as they came to try to control the starting chaos. Paige sprinted over to the next container as she yanked it open allowing the two triceratops out before throwing open the next latch as the stegosaurus burst from its container a roar ripping from its throat. The baryonyx followed after ushering the herbivores away from the trio of carnivores as they tore apart those that imprisoned them. The stygimoloch rushed from the crate as they snorted and huffed before they raced around the area corralling the rest of the herd as best they could. The gallimimus were next as they trotted out to the rest of the herd and Paige was starting to panic. Where was Angel?

It didn't take her long to get the rest of her herd before she beckoned the closest triceratops to her. The three horned dinosaur lowered its head allowing Paige to climb up on the female's back, where the teen gripped the dinosaur's frill. She scanned as much of the warehouse as she could before Blue came tearing back towards the herd and jumping up behind Paige. A small call escaped the raptors throat as she jerked her head almost ordering them to follow as Blue jumped down from the herbivores back.

"Follow her." Paige commanded as the triceratops followed Blue, the rest of the herd moving after. A roar stopped the herd as the carnotaurus turned his attention from his human meal to the group of herbivores. It snarled moving in front of the dinosaurs as the stygimolochs rushed to the front the baryonyx following after as it roared, getting the rest of the herd to call after. The carnotaurus huffed taking a few steps backwards as the growl of the t-rex sounded the rumbling of its feet evident that it was leaving. A roar came from Blue as the carno turned leaving the herd alone. Once the two carnivores were gone did the raptor rush forward moving to a container in the far corner of the building. Paige slipped from the triceratop's back as she sprinted to the door undoing the latch so fast she almost hit herself in the face.

She was met by silence and darkness as she opened the door, and she tried to see into the dark but her eyes were failing her. Blue crept forward a small trill echoing into the darkness before silence. A few moments later a soft call answered as the darkness started to move, the shimmer of yellow becoming visible in the black. Paige rushed forward crossing the distance in only a few steps as she wrapped her arms around Angel's neck, hearing the indoraptor giving off a content hum.

"We gotta go." Paige whispered as Angel groaned and slowly, carefully pushed himself to his feet. He limped forward keeping pressure off his back right leg as he came to the front of the container. The triceratops lowered itself to the ground allowing the raptor to climb up on its back which Angel happily did. Settling behind the frill Angel effectively hiding himself from sight. Paige sprinted over to the large loading bay door as she hit the button allowing her herd out as well as the t-rex and carnotaurus as the two disappeared into the night.

"Shit." Paige muttered as she rushed over to the dirt bike finding it partly crushed after being stepped on. A gallimimus chirped as it walked up to her rubbing its head against her head before it sat down on the ground waiting for her. "Damn it..." Paige whispered before climbing on herbivores back as it gave a cry before practically leaping to its feet. Her hands scrambled for the dinosaur's neck as she clutched it praying not to be thrown off.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me... don't throw me off, don't throw me off..." Paige begged as Blue called her shrill cry going into the air as the herd answered back before they started moving. Paige fixed herself across the gallimimus's back as she rode it bareback, her grip loosening around the dinosaur's neck. The dark world around them passed quickly as Blue chirped keeping the herd moving as they finally got to the place they needed to be.

The sun was rising by the time they got to the docks as Paige tapped the gallimimus's neck getting it to turn a bit as the herd moved further into the yard finally stumbling upon the ship they needed. The cries of the pteranodon sounded as they swooped above her, Blue rushed up the plank on the ship. Paige could barely hold her smile.

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