Full Sail

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"No." Paige whispered as she crinkled up the piece of paper, tossing it over her shoulder as Blue caught it ripping it to shreds. She spun the notepad closer as she looked at the ship routes on the desk, nothing went even close to Isla Matanceros. She cursed under her breath, before running a hand through her hair ignoring the exhaustion as it tried to take over. Angel hummed from where he laid at her feet his head on the edge of the desk as he watched Paige scanning every possibility over and over again. 

"There's no ship..." Paige finally said after what felt like hours of tracking the ship routes. She whimpered as the darkness outside started to settle inside. She groaned scrubbing at her face as she placed her elbows on the desk, her knees giving in as they slammed into the ground. Angel leapt to his feet bracing himself against his human trying to keep her balanced and from falling over. 

"I'm okay bud..." Paige muttered as she pulled her hands away from her face and trailed her fingers against the hybrid's head. The dinosaur cooed his head moving forward as he pressed his nose against her shoulder a soft purr like noise radiating from his throat. Another head pressed against her other shoulder as Blue mimicked the noise the indoraptor hummed. Paige closed her eyes taking a deep breath as she felt the hot breath of the dinosaurs against her skin. Their calm was always a comfort in the darkness as Paige placed her hands on their necks as the dinosaurs leaned into the touch. 

Paige opened her eyes as they returned to the shipping routes on the screen. There has to be a way, she keeps thinking as the dinosaur digs their heads more into Paige. It took a few minutes for the raptors to pull away finally allowing her to move back towards the desk. 

"What if..." Paige asked as Angel looked over at the desk. "What if we take a ship..." Paige questioned as she looked at the two raptors as they gave soft trills. Paige zoomed in on the harbor that wasn't too far from the manor. There had to be a boat big enough to get them all on it.

"There." Paige whispered as she focused on the shipyard, her eyes widening. This could work, this could work. She could get them out of here, they could all be free from this world. A soft smile crossed her face as the two dinosaurs hummed from her sides as they watched her intently. 

"That's how we are getting out of here." Paige beamed. Angel looked at the image as Paige clicked for a live feed, sometimes she enjoyed living in this house. The video feed was accurate as people moved along the docks chatting and doing their own thing, but Paige was focused on a large ship off to the left side of the camera. 

"Do you know how to drive a boat?" Paige asked.

"I do." Paige yelped as the two raptors spun their claws and teeth at the ready as Jon stood in the doorway his hands up.

"I thought you left." Paige snapped.

"I did... but you're still a kid... I get it... You're scared and making decisions that you think are right but you can't go around killing." Paige rolled her eyes.

"Isn't the first..." Paige whispered so Jon couldn't hear as she turned her attention back to the desk. "You can sail?" Paige asked.

"Don't get off topic."

"Fine. This is the first death I've seen. Sometimes people need to die, it happens. Sorry to disappoint." Paige growled as Blue turned her attention back to the thirteen year old.

"What do you mean?"

"My birth parents were monsters, Angel killed them. Now my adopted parents are in jail and my only family left is the dinosaurs, so I will do anything to keep them safe. So choose your side, this is your last chance to leave." Paige spat as she waited to hear footsteps leaving.

"What kind of ship is it?" Jon asked as Paige turned abruptly, staring at him with surprise covering her face.

"A cargo ship." Paige admitted as Jon beamed.

"You're lucky I worked at a dock before I became a cop."

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