Just One Small Bite

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"Don't you dare." Paige hissed at the baryonyx as it growled at her, its eyes locked on hers as she sat in front of it. It's tail swung behind it as it watched her like a cat stalking its prey. In her hand sat a can of spaghetti and at her feet was a deer leg almost dethawed as the monster licked its lips eagerly.

    "Don't!" Paige ordered as the carnivore snarled but obeyed the command, as it sat down watching her for a few moments. Angel hovers behind her, his presence always at her back as the other dinosaur's move around the sanctuary. A small smile crossed her face as the dinosaur sat in silence. "Alright, it's all yours." Paige stated as the baryonyx rushed forward scooping the deer leg off the ground in a single swoop. A huff comes from Angel as Paige turns to look at the hybrid as she grabs the spoon shoveling some of it into her mouth.

    "He'll be fine." Paige stated as she turned patting Angel on the neck as they moved back into the sanctuary. "Don't get your spines in a twist. The stygi's will take care of it if anything happens." Paige reassures as they move around the small pool of water, as some of the dinosaurs give calls. "Anyways, we've got time to kill." Paige said she ran a hand over the hybrid's neck as it cooed in response to the touch.

    The two headed towards the elevator as the hybrid hums in response, guiding the way back towards the upper half of the mansion. The ascent is slow, and quiet as the two stand in a comfortable silence.

    "So..." Paige said as she rolled on her feet. "What do you think about fish for dinner?" Paige asked as Angel gave a huff. "Alright. Alright... You want to go hunting before we have to go?" Angel yawned as Paige rolled her eyes. "Okay then what do you want? I can't have my partner starving while we are out." Paige teased as the hybrid clicked its claws on the ground thinking.

    A small snarl comes from Angel as Paige raises an eyebrow at the dinosaur. The elevator comes to a halt, as the dark dinosaur slips out of the small space crossing the dark room with ease. Leaping up on the back of the triceratops skull, a soft noise rolls from the beast's throat.

    "Where the hell am I supposed to get chicken?" Paige asked as the indoraptor gives a small trill. "Don't give me that noise, you begging isn't going to change the fact that we can't go raid that farm again. We already have the farmer on high alert."

    A roar escapes Angel getting Paige to groan. "I can't get you chicken, I'm sorry." Paige stated as the dinosaur huffs before dropping back to the ground.

    "Can't you just not complain like the others? You know I kind of like it when the herbivores can feed themselves!" Paige yelled as Angel mimicked the noise. "Oh, stop mimicking me. You big baby." Another roar escaped the hybrid as Paige rolls her eyes.

    "Learn to deal with it." Paige stated as she headed towards her bedroom, she heard a puff from the dinosaur as he followed after his claws soft against the carpet. Stepping into her room, she shoveled another spoonful of the pasta into her mouth before moving to the radio. It crackled and whispered the voices quiet, as she glanced at her notes. 1 a.m. They had a few more hours to kill, before the ship landed and they could get what they needed. Angel huffed as he leapt up on the bed settling amongst the blankets.

    "Chill bud." Paige whispered as she finished off her can before moving to the dinosaur her free hand running up along his face. Her fingers danced against the coarse hide as the hybrid hummed as she trailed up to the back of his head. "How about rabbit?" Angel's eyes opened as it huffed before pushing himself off the bed.

    "Is that a yes?" Angel grumbled before trekking out of the bedroom with Paige on the dinosaur's heels. He heads down the hall away from the rest of the mansion as he swings open a door at the far end of the hall pushing into the butlers kitchen. Paige quickened her speed catching up the hybrid within a minute and pulled open the freezer door digging out the whole rabbit and tossing it to the raptor. Angel catches it with ease, practically downing it in a single bite as Paige sets to work cleaning out the can and spoon she was using.

    "Chew your food." Paige stated as Angel ignored her before swallowing the rest of the rabbit. Paige grumbled under her breath before finishing up her cleaning and heading back towards the bedroom. Angel nudged her, pushing the teen off balance getting a small smile to cross her face.

    "Oh don't you be doing that now." Paige teased as Angel pushed her again. Paige stepped closer to the dinosaur bumping his arm with her shoulder getting the hybrid to stagger for a moment. A soft noise escaped the creature as Paige laughed. "You started it." Paige beamed as they moved back to the bedroom. Angel grumbled trotting past the bedroom causing Paige to stop, before following after the hybrid.

    "Where do you think you're going?" Angel responded with a snarl before crossing the diorama room with ease.

    "Wait, no." Paige sprinted to get ahead of the dinosaur as she put her hands against his chest trying to stop him. "You can't go." Paige stated as Angel kept walking. Paige's boots slid along the stone floor as they hit the hallway causing her to stumble allowing the monster past her.

    "Angel, you can't go. We can't get caught." Paige rushed after the dinosaur as it groaned in response and slid out of the mansion door before starting down the front steps. "Angel I- Wait for me you stupid monster!" Paige yelled as she burst through the front doors and jumped on Angel's back, getting the hybrid to growl.

    "Oh, chill." Paige stated as she sat up, moving her chest off the dinosaur's neck. "If you want to do it, you have to do exactly as I say." Angel stopped his growl ceasing as a soft trill rolled from his throat.
"Can I at least go get my bike?" Angel ignored her as he started moving again as he took a hard right heading into the woods as Paige groaned, lowering herself to the dinosaur's back. Twigs and leaves wiped past her head as they started to pick up speed, she knew she wasn't that big but she thought she couldn't ride on his back anymore. Well he proved her wrong, as he slowed his pace when they came upon a hill. The scent of the chicken coop filled Paige's nose as Angel came to a halt, his attention focused on the silver building below him. The dinosaur's tail swung as he slowly and carefully started to pick his way down the hill and Paige pressed herself as low as she could against his back. The spikes on his body were digging into her chest but she bit her lip choosing to ignore the pain that seemed to roll through her.

    "Go to the back." Paige whispered as Angel angled his descent down the hill away from the farm house. The hybrid creeped forward taking care to not step on anything as they reached the edge of the coop. He peeked around the edge looking to see if there was anyone or anything around. Sliding from the dinosaur's back, Paige crossed to the door as she dug the hair pin out of her hair and grabbed the padlock. Paige set to work as Angel kept a lookout, his body still as his eyes scanned the world around them. A faint tick brought Angel's attention to her as she opened the door, but stood in the entrance.

    "Only three." Paige hissed as Angel huffed his tail lowering a bit. Paige stepped aside allowing the hybrid past as the cry of the chickens ring into the air. She could hear the snapping of bones but Paige refused to watch the monster as he feasted, she knew he wouldn't take only three. She gazed down at the silver watch on her wrist waiting for the beast to finish his meal.

    A loud bark broke her from her thoughts as she looked over her shoulder to where Angel was picking his way back to her, a live chicken in his left claw. Slipping out of the coop, Paige slammed the door and shut the padlock as another dog bark joined the first. Angel lowered himself to the ground, as Paige clambered on her back before the two darted off into the undergrowth.

    "Lose the scent." Paige muttered as Angel rumbled back. He turned away from the mansion heading towards a small pond that wasn't super far away. Slinking into the pond, the monster raised the squealing chicken upwards as he lowered himself into the water. Paige grabbed the bird out of the hybrid's hand as Angel crawled on the edge a few moments later. Shaking himself, he started back towards the manion as Paige tried to keep the chicken quiet.

    "You're so lucky I love you." Paige whispered as Angel gave another grumble as they approached the mansion. Getting off of Angel's back, the two entered the building locking the door tight behind them. Angel tried to grab for the chicken as Paige hissed at him not to, as the hybrid growled back sitting down on the ground. Paige bent down, putting the chicken on the ground as Angel watched it intently, and Paige held up her hand stopping the monster.

    "Let it run a bit." Paige stated as Angel hummed back in response as the bird took off down the hall. "Angel," The dinosaur's head turned towards her, "fetch." Angel rushed after the chicken, a roar ripping from his throat as the chicken screamed in panic, sprinting away from the monster. Paige crossed her arms as she watched the two disappear from sight and she released her breath. It was going to be a busy night.

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