Calls and Cries

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"Are you ready?" Paige asked as she revved the dirt bike. Blue chirped from her place at Paige's side as Angel called back, before the rest of the herd threw their heads back in loud calls. The baryonyx answered back as Jon glanced over his shoulder at the herd of animals behind him as he fixed his helmet.


"Come on Jon." Paige teased as the older man rolled his eyes before finally securing the helmet in place and gripping the handles of the red dirt bike.

"You know, you're kind of bossy." Jon muttered as Paige blurted out a laugh as Angel roared coming between the two riders.

"I do try." Paige said as she ran her fingers against Angel's neck getting a small coo to escape the hybrid. Jon shook his head before flicking down the visor and revving his bike as Paige smiled. The two roared forward as the velociraptor took the lead, guiding the group through the dark expertly as the two riders followed behind. Angel sprinted behind the two bikers, as he led the rest of the herb after with the baryonyx taking up the back.

Paige glanced over at the other bike as she matched its speed moving closer to the other. Jon cast a small look at Paige before turning his attention back to the forest around them as he picked up speed taking the lead like they had planned. He knew the way, he knew how to get them there. Blue slowed, getting Paige to hesitate as she pulled on the brake a bit matching the raptors speed as it gave a small call. Pushing up the visor she looked at the carnivore as it gave another call getting Angel to respond back. The raptors picked up their speed as the herd came into a clearing. Blue rushed forward cutting off Jon's bike getting the officer to slam on the brakes barely stopping himself from crashing into the carnivore.

"Jesus christ! You trying to kill me Blue?" Jon yelled as the raptor snarled as she raised her claws towards the man her teeth baring as she stepped closer. Paige pulled to a stop as she heard silence behind her noticing the herd was gone.

"Angel!" Paige called as Blue stopped her growl as she perked up her attention turning to the darkness around them before she darted off into the woods "What?" A roar echoed as Paige's heart sank and she tried to turn the bike before a shot rang out, the front tire on her bike going flat. Pulling the rifle from her shoulder she pointed the weapon at the cop whose own gun was aimed at her.

"Just calm down." Jon said as more cries filled the air. Paige recognized the herbivores' roars as they echoed through the night.

"Why!" Paige yelled.

"They are dangerous Paige. They killed people, they need to be put down." Jon stated. "Just put the gun down." Paige heard another roar before the loud popping of gun fire started and her heart broke. She led them to their deaths, this was her fault. She failed to protect them. Slowly, Paige lowered the gun as the gun fire fell silent and the cold of the night wrapped around her.

"Set it on the ground." Jon muttered as Paige lowered her eyes before kneeling down and placing the rifle on the ground.

"NOW!" Blue rushed forward, knocking Jon from the bike and throwing the pistol from his hand. The raptor dug her claws in his shoulders as her hooked foot claw dug into his right leg as his screams filled the air. Paige grabbed the pistol off the ground before picking up the rifle and climbing onto the red dirt bike. Blue snarled before pushing herself off the human and chasing after the dirt bike as it went roaring in the direction of the cries. Blue made to roar before Paige waved her hand, shushing the raptor before it even got the chance. She could hear voices and the roaring of the different dinosaurs and they sounded afraid. Paige slowed the bike leaping off of it once she got the chance as the two rushed up a small incline to overlook the area below. Large metal cages sat closed as the fearful cries of her herd resounded within.

Paige pulled the rifle from her shoulder looking through the scope as she searched the different cages finding all her herbivores with ease and the baryonyx had been corralled into a larger container alone. The pteranodons were gone, having opted to fly away from the incoming fight they wouldn't risk the baby that flew with them. Paige continued to scan the different containers searching for the black hide of her companion. Where was Angel? He must be among them somewhere, by the looks of it he wasn't corralled with the herbivores. Her heart raced in her chest, Angel couldn't be hurt. He wouldn't have allowed himself to get injured, Paige didn't know what she could do.

The people, soldiers or police, she wasn't certain or at this point she didn't care. They seemed to almost be congratulating each other as they moved about striking each other on the backs as they moved towards their vehicles. Paige continued to search, hoping to find the single black hide dinosaur amongst them but her search quickly came up empty.

Blue gave a small chirp as the vehicles came to life, and they started moving forward away from the space that they occupied. As each started to move a final container came into view and Paige desperately looked through the scope. A shimmer of black caught her attention, as well as the faint glint of red on the indoraptor's skin. Paige felt her stomach twist, he was injured. What would she do now? The vehicles left her sight, but she knew she couldn't follow behind. If they saw her, they would shoot her and kill or take Blue. She needed to think this through and do this rationally.

A shrill cry came from the air as the three pteranodons swooped low, their wings beating in the night sky. Blue called back as the flying dinosaurs waited for a command.

"Fly. Take your baby and hide, we'll come back to the docks. I promise but for now, we need you safe." The pteranodons gave soft cries in response but obeyed taking off into the darkness of the night. Paige looked at Blue as the raptor gave a small chuff moving around the teenager as she waited for her alpha to decide the next course of action. Paige returned the gun to her shoulder and moved to the dirt bike as the two headed back to where they left Jon. He was struggling to get to his phone which was in his pocket when Paige rolled back up to him. Getting off the bike, she pulled the pistol from her belt pointing it at Jon's head.

"You know I won't hesitate... Now where are they being taken." Paige hissed.

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