New Possibilities

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Paige watched from the roof as Angel crawled above her, the creaking of the tiles making his movements known. The pteranodons picked at the pile of fish that they had gathered from the ocean a few hours ago. Paige swung her legs off the edge of the mansion, her eyes trailing the bright blue sky. A hum came from her left as Blue slinked closer pressing her body against Paige's.

"Well hello." Paige whispered as Blue stared down the mansion watching the world below them as the herbivores laid out in the sun. It was a rare day, Paige wanted them to get out and get some sun. The baryonyx trailed through the group his injuries mostly healed as a few soft calls came from the others. He was scouring the surrounding area, searching for anything that could possibly harm his companions as the herbivores sunbathed and ate. Another hum rolled from Blue as Angel continued to climb upwards to find a perch as high up as possible.

"You're going to fall." Paige stated as she turned to look at the hybrid. Blue followed the humans gaze as she cocked her head watching the other raptor as he finally got to a spot he could sit and watch. A small roar came from the indoraptor as Paige rolled her eyes and looked back at the two pteranodon. The male pushed himself up and into the air swooping up and around the raptor as it found a spot to land, not too far from its leader. Paige returned her attention to the world below, she could hear the faint calls of the dinosaurs.

"What are you thinking?" Paige asked as she ran her fingers against the raptors head getting it to coo. It was weird, it had been barely over two weeks since Blue arrived and she fell into place among the herd very quickly. She helped with hunting, helped move the herd when needed and she and Angel were getting on like a house on fire. Blue would roughhouse with the baryonyx helping get him stronger and race him around the property as the two learned the boundaries.

Angel's cry stopped Paige's thoughts as she unslung the rifle from her shoulder looking through the scope as the herbivores got to their feet retreating down the tunnel. The baryonyx waited as the female pteranodon took to the air, soaring downward towards the other carnivore as she swooped around the area on high alert. Paige jumped to her feet as Blue rushed after as the two headed towards the stairwell. Angel climbed down as the male pteranodon took to the air, when Paige and Blue sprinted into the stairwell descending the stairs as quickly as they could. The two slammed through the bottom of the stairwell as Paige sprinted out of the mansion hearing the baryonyx roar, putting himself between the herbivores and the small black car that was rolling up. Paige raised the gun as Blue roared, baring her teeth and raising her claws as she stalked forward the opposite way of the other carnivore.

The driver's window opened as a pair of hands reached out, and Paige hesitated before raising her hand up to her mouth whistling to her companions. Blue gave a small noise before she sprinted back to Paige as Angel emerged from the mansion, his shadowy form overtaking her. The baryonyx snarled but backed off, stepping backwards as the last of the herbivores disappeared into the bunker.

"Why are you back!" Paige growled as Jon slowly opened his drivers door. His hands were raised as Paige lowered her gun before her eyes drifted over the car.

"Paige, I came to talk to you. But it looks like you have some new friends." Jon muttered as he gestured towards the baryonyx. Paige gave another whistle getting the carnivores' attention as she gestured towards the bunker getting Blue and the baryonyx to turn trotting into the tunnel. Angel stayed in his spot, hovering just behind her, his presence almost comforting.

"Go away and leave us alone!"

"I got word about an illegal dinosaur trade." Jon started as he took a few steps away from the car as Angel gave off a low growl, a warning. "Went to check it out a few weeks ago, it looked like something big happened, but we couldn't tell. A lot of broken glass and some blood but no bodies. Found out they were transporting a velociraptor, and I am to assume that was the one I just saw." Jon gestured towards the tunnel.

"What does it matter?"

"You could get caught. You could get shot and killed. Then what? Then what happens!"

"Why does it matter to you?" Paige snapped. "It doesn't affect you."

"It does actually. You're a kid, and no one wants to have a kid get killed." Paige doesn't respond before she shifted the gun back to the vehicle, noticing the movement from the backseat.

"Who is that?" Paige growled as she watched Jon's face go white.

"He's my friend..." Jon muttered as the backseat of the car opened and a man roughly the same age came out his hands raised.

"I'm Tony." The light skinned man said as he glanced at Jon.

"I brought him here to help."

"Help? With what?" Paige asked as Angel's growling grew louder.

"I work with an organization that collects dinosaurs and anyone who has them." Paige narrowed her eyes as her body tensed, and Angel roared his claws clicking. The noise is enough to get the attention of those in the tunnel as Blue came sprinting out with the baryonyx and stygimoloch as the group surrounded the two cops.

"Why come back!" Paige snapped as the dinosaurs moved closer.

"Because we can get the dinosaurs to safety. There is a new island, one that doesn't have a threat of a volcano. They could all be free on the island." Paige hesitated before she slowly lowered the gun.


"It's name is Isla Sorna. It's a sister island to Isla Nublar, it once held dinosaur's on it but they were captured and moved back to Isla Nublar. The island can sustain dinosaurs, we just need to get them there." Tony stated as Paige looked at Angel who had moved to her side. The hybrids snarl was loud but it slowly subsided as he met Paige's eyes. A small coo rolled from the raptors throat as Paige gave a shrill whistle and the dinosaur's backed up.

"I guess we have a lot to talk about."

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