Home of the Free (2 Years later)

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"Are you certain about this?" Claire asked as she looked up at her husband as Owen shrugged. He checked the rifle again, making sure that if anything went wrong he had a back up plan.

"Nothing to be certain about." Owen admitted as Claire shifted in her chair, her eyes darting over the massive island as they approached. Owen got to his feet moving towards the ship driver as the dark skinned man cast a glance at the ex-con. "But we have to try."

"There won't be a place to dock, so we'll have to take the dinghy to the mainland." The captain stated as Owen nodded. Claire cast the captain a curious look before she pushed herself to her feet.

"What is that?" Claire pointed out towards the far side of the island where a massive ship was plowed into the side of the land.

"That would be how they got to the island." Owen stated as he looked at the wide open loading bay doors that were practically broken off at this point. Rust covered the entire ship and it sat eerily quiet with vines stretching up its sides where the island overtook. Slowly, the ship came to a halt as the captain dropped the anchor and the trio moved down to where the dinghy was tied to the side. Claire was hesitant as the trio got into the boat finally heading to the overgrown island.

"Where do you think she is?" Claire called over the roaring of the propeller as Owen shrugged, in truth he didn't know.

"We know she has Blue. I know how to track her." Owen admitted as they finally pulled up to the beach.

"I'm not going into a dinosaur infested land, I'll just wait with the boat." The captain stated as Owen and Claire nodded. The two slowly and carefully picked their way into the overgrown jungle. Owen muttered under his breath as he swatted at a fly as Claire pulled the jacket closer around her frame.

"Something big came through here." Owen stated as he brushed more of the plants away noticing the large track that wasn't as big as a t-rex but was as small as Blue's.

"That's not a rex." Claire pointed out as Owen nodded.

"I think it might be a carno or a bary." Owen mumbled as he crouched down touching the track noticing it was indeed still fresh.

"Not Angel?"

"No nothing." Owen said as he pulled the gun from his shoulder before continuing forward with his wife on his heels. They moved slowly and carefully through the brush trying to stay as quiet as they could. A few deer rushed past them as they headed deeper and deeper into the island.

A chirp echoed through the trees as Owen raised the gun upwards the barrel aiming at the canopy line. A pteranodon stared down at him from where it was perched, a nest laid higher up in the treetops as multiple little baby heads peaked down at him.

"I thought they couldn't breed." Claire whispered.

"Frog DNA." Owen responded as he lowered the gun realizing the flying dinosaur wasn't going to harm him. "Similar to the Indomonius rex, to make sure they were adapted to warmth. Some will change genders." Owen stated as he started moving again following the tracks as they lead further into the thick jungle.

Another chirp ricocheted against the bark as the thundering of gallimimus sounded as a flash of the herd sprinted past in the distance. Owen hesitated before releasing his breath and casting a glance back at the red haired woman. With a small nod the two continued deeper each step almost resounding back to them. It was the rush of movement to the left that caught their attention as the gray colored raptor burst forth from the undergrowth. She snarled her claws raising as she bared her teeth at the two, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Hey Blue." Owen stated as the raptor continued her growling. Another rush came from the right as a platinum gray raptor emerged from the brush, the yellow trail rushed from the raptors eyes to the tip of its tail. It was bigger than Blue as it snarled its teeth jutting out of its mouth similar to Angel. Its front arms were longer so it could crawl around easier, as it's amber eyes stared at the two humans.

"Who's your friend?" Claire asked as a third raptor emerged beside the second, trails of blue markings littering its body as black spikes rose up from its neck and back. Its build matched Blue's more than the others, it seemed to be mainly bipedal, as it snarled its almost black skin vanishing in the shadows behind it. "Friends." Claire rephrased as a fourth one came out beside Blue.

It was just a bit taller than Blue, its skin a lot lighter than the others but its forearms were longer mimicking the first. The spikes on its back rattled as it snarled, its markings had twinges of green mixing into the blue and yellow marks as they rushed along the raptors skin. Owen lowered the gun a bit as the four raptors circled them, their intention clear.

"Blue, where is Paige?" Blue stopped her snarling as she stepped aside the inky black scales of the indoraptor becoming visible as the hybrid revealed himself. "Hello, Angel." Owen stated as the smallest of the raptors roared before a soft noise escaped Angel. The younger raptor fell silent, as Angel moved forward his dark red eyes scanning over the two humans as Owen returned the gun to his shoulder. Claire moved forward as Angel lowered his head allowing the woman to rub against his face a hum escaping the raptor.

"Is this your family?" Claire asked as the indoraptor's hum grew louder. "Lead us to her." Claire whispered as Angel pulled away before throwing his head back in roar as the four other raptors mimicked him. The three younger raptors disappeared back into the undergrowth as Blue moved to Angel's side nuzzling the towering hybrid. Angel and Blue turned heading into the brush as Angel stopped waiting for the two humans to follow after which they quickly did. He led them away from the undergrowth until they came upon a large lake which was surrounded by different herbivores that were thriving. Each member gathered around as their babies played along the water's edge, the birds' songs filling the air.

"Wow." Owen stated as they indoraptor moved to the water taking a drink as his mate followed suit. The three other raptors rushed around the edge of the water almost playing as they raced. The thundering of footsteps sounded as the gallimimus herd returned their calls sailing over the wind as Claire smiled. A roar echoed across the area as Owen and Claire turned towards the approaching herd as they darted past aiming for the water. Not far behind the head of the baryonyx appeared as it moved swiftly across the land. A rider was mounted on the carnivores' back, a bow slung over her shoulder as the towering fish eater came charging to the water. The baryonyx slowed as Paige blinked at the two humans, her hands letting the arrow she was holding return to her quiver. The tiger skull helmet hid most of her features and her leather clothes made her even lighter. The baryonyx stopped a few feet away as Paige stared at Owen and Claire taking them in for a few moments.

"Mom? Dad?" 


This is the end of the story, I hope you all enjoyed the series. 

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