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The boy stood and stared at his bloodied form in the dark. He stood in front of the mirror for what felt like hours. He just stood there and stared. The corner of his lip was bruised, there was a purple plotch on his cheek and eye.

His eyes shifted from his reflection to the dark corners of the room. The sun has begun to set and he quickly turned on the light, making everything visible. He quickly swept his eyes across the room.

From the first time he entered the room, he couldn't help but get this eerie feeling. But he brushed it off and took off his blazer. His whole body felt sore but he was glad none of the bones were broken or fractured.

Renjun sighed and dived into his bed. Not even bothering to change out of his school uniform and into pajamas as he wrapped himself in the thick duvet and falling into quick slumber.


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