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He didn't see the pink haired boy the whole weekend and it was monday already.

Renjun sat in the boring history class, while doodling into his notebook. He felt something hit the back of head and fell onto the floor. He turned his head to see a scrunched up paper on the floor and a bunch of bullies snickering at him.

The boy picked up the ball of paper and flattened it. There were two words written in big bold red. It read 'kill yourself'.

Renjun rolled his eyes at the message. He scrunched the paper up again.



School was finally over and Renjun made it out alive and unharmed. He couldn't wait to go home and sleep.

It was only a half an hour walk then he arrived at his house. It was empty as always, his mom probably had a night shift. He wasted no time before swiftly running up the stairs.

He turned on the door knob and swung the door open only to be startled by a figure sitting on his bed.

"Ah, welcome back!"

Renjun placed a palm on his chest and closed the door. Then, he turned to Na Jaemin with narrowed eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

Renjun removed his blazer and tie, also unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. Jaemin didn't reply but just stared at him. But he did after few minutes.


Jaemin patted the empty space next to him on the mattress. Renjun hesitantly made his way to the bed and climbed in. Then, the boys were just sitting there with their back against the head board. Silence eloped them until Jaemin asked Renjun about his day.

The smaller boy replied with a small enthusiasm in his voice. It was genuinely a good day for him and he telled animatedly to the first boy that he befriended about it before darkness took over him and he fell asleep.

But Na Jaemin was gone in the morning.


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