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*Ding Dong*

The door swung open, revealing an elderly women. Mrs. Huang smiled at her.

"Hello, I'm new in this neighborhood and I made some brownies"

She said with a small polite smile.

"Oh, please come on in"

The lady said as she accepted the tray. Mrs. Huang took a seat on the couch as the lady disappeared into the back. She looked around the living room and it had a vintage feel to it. It felt homey.

"Thank you so much, dear. How is the neighborhood?"

The lady appeared again with a washed tray in hand.

"Oh, it's so peaceful and everybody is so nice. My son also said that he was already friends with a boy from this house"

The mother replied politely while she accepted the tray. The lady took a seat and looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"A boy?"

"Yes. I think his name was Na....Jaemin? My boy said he had pink hair"

"Hmm don't know any Na Jaemin. Only me and my husband lives here"


Mrs. Huang arrived at the front porch of her house. A familiar pair of shoes greeted her.

'Renjun's already home?'

She entered the house and called for her son.


However, there was no reply. She was sure he wore those pair of shoes to school. She tried to called for him again, this time from half way through the stairs. Again, there was no answer.

She decided to check up on him. Stalking up the stairs with the metal tray still in her hand, she stood right outside of his room. Knocking once. Twice. No answer.

Again. Knocking once. twice. Still no answer.

She finally creaked the door open.

Close your eyes, you'll leave this dream.


Hands of time will wring my neck.

The sound of the metal tray coming in contact, rippled through the quiet neighborhood along side a cry of a mother.

Every little moment spells regret.

The ,now, lifeless body of Renjun was floating hanging in the air with a chair laying below him.

But I don't have to feel this way.

And on the wall opposite from him. Written in blood.

As a voice inside my head said....

It said.

Good night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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