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Renjun woke up as the sun light shone through the light grey curtains. He got up with a small groaned and climbed out of bed.

He freshened up and changed into a casual outfit fitted for the weekend. He left the room and strutted downstairs.

He could already smell the breakfast, halfway from the stairs. Quickening his steps he greeted his mom with a smile.

"Wow, look at you! What's gotten into you to be up this early in the morning?"

Renjun's mother said while placing a plate in front of her son. It was the first time that Renjun has been up early and greeted her since they've moved.

Oddly, the boy himself felt weirdly energetic too. It was like a switch in him was flicked by something or maybe someone. His mind was reminded of the boy from last night. He wondered when he got home.

"Renjun, what happened to your face?"

His mom snapped him out of his thoughts. His hand immediately travelled to the small cuts that remained on his face. The big bruises were surprisingly gone.

"Hehe, I tripped and fell"

Renjun was not at coming up with excuses but he was naturally a good liar so his mom bought his lie. She replied with a roll of her eyes and a small smile.

"I was clumsy when I was young too. That was how me and your dad met"

Renjun caught how her smile turned a little sad at the end.


"Will you move the empty card boxes into the garage, love?"

The boy only nodded and excused himself after putting the plate in the sink. It's already been 3 years since his father died of brain cancer but his mother's been having a hard time moving on.

Leaving their old house was the better for both Renjun and his mother. Well, pretty much only the views has changed for him but for his mom, she could start over. Find a new hobby, new friends and even a new lover. She could be happier.

Renjun got out of the front door and made his way to the small garage. He suddenly remembered Na Jaemin. He looked over to the house with the yellow fence. There was an old lady in a sun hat watering the bushes.

'Probably his grandmother'


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