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-Eight years later-

Renjun jolted awake from his nap from the shrill of the school bell. He took a look at his wristwatch to see that lunch time was over and classes would be starting soon. He stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants with his hands before making his way down from the roof top.

He had stopped dreaming about the incident since middle school. But it has been happening again when they moved into a new house last week. Their new house was small second story house spacious enough for his mom and him.

Renjun made his way to his English class and sat down in a vacant seat. Moving into a new house has also caused him to transfer to a new school in the middle of the semester.
There was already a rumour floating  around the school about the new boy.
They were talking in a hush tone among themselves whenever Renjun pass by in the hallways.

But Renjun was used to it. It was no different from his old school. He had learned to live with it.

The school was finally over and while Renjun made his way through the hallway, a hand shoved him into the lockers, causing him to drop his bag. Making a large sound from the impact of his back, hitting the metal.

"I heard you killed your friend, faggot!"

Renjun sighed. So, he's the bully. He eyed the student through his fringes.
He scoffed, but didn't reply. He knew how to piss off these kind of dogs, thinking they rule the school.

"What did you just do, slut?"

The bully gripped Renjun's locks, banging his head on the locker. The hallway has become silent and the students stood and watched. None of them daring to step up.

"I scoffed, bitch"

Renjun spat out, making sure to also spit the bully's face. The surrounding students gasped and some fleeing from the scene before they see blood.

The bully gripped tighter onto the boy's hair and slowly wiped the saliva off his chin, not breaking eye contact. His eyes were red with rage, the veins on his neck were popping.

"Oh, you're dead"

He said before swinging his fist and landing it on Renjun's face.


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