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"Did you get to know anyone yet?"

His mother asked while she unwrapped the newspaper from her expensive looking plates.

Renjun searched around for anyone he interacted with. No one that his mom should know of. Well, maybe one.


He could hear his mother gasped. He turned around to see her pleasantly surprised face, which then stretched into a wide grin.

"Really? Who is it?"

Renjun contemplated for a few second whether to tell her or not. He went along with the former choice.

"Do you know the house with the yellow fences?"

She thought for a while and then nodded.

"Yeah, he said he was from that house"

Renjun said almost shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact.

"He had pink hair"

He picked up a paper wrapped plate and started unwrapping it. Renjun looked up at his mother when she didn't say anything, only to find her looking at him with something in her eyes, almost like proud.

"Well, he sounds fun. I would love to meet him one day"



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