Chapter 1

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Bloom scrunched his face when he heard a beeping sound. It was strange yet familiar to his ears. He opened his eyes only to close it again because of the blinding light. This time he slowly opened his eyes. His brows instantly furrowed when he came to know that he is in a hospital and he was lying in a hospital bed with wires attached to his right arm.

'What happened? Did something happened to me?' Bloom queried. He tried to sit down and noticed that something wasn't quite right.

He looked down only to see a pair of snow white skin arms. To say he was shocked was an understatement.

He instinctively touched his face. 'Why the hell did my face became so soft and plump?'

"Oh, you're awake."
Bloom only came back to reality when a nurse entered and said those words.

He looked at the nurse whose eyes became wide and mouth slightly opened while looking at him.
'What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my face? Or perhaps there is a drool on my face?'
Bloom felt his face heats up in embarrassment. Bloom mostly wasn't bothered of how he looks in front of other people but he is a presentable man and having a drool on the face is not presentable at all. He unconsciously wipe the side of his mouth.

Meanwhile, the nurse was too mesmerized at the beauty in front of her. This child is just too beautiful and cute. She saw how his cheeks turned red which made her want to cooed the little boy. She was stunned at his big blue eyes that is clear as sky with gold specks around it. It was a little mist due to the young boy who just woke up. It was extremely adorable.

The nurse hurriedly went to his side. "I need to change your bandage." the nurse tried her best not to pinch those rosy cheeks that seems so soft to touch.

Bloom, on the other hand was shocked to this. 'Bandage? What? Did I get into an accident?'

He looks at the nurse in front of him who's still strangely looking at him.

"C-an I.. borrow a mirror please?"he bit his lip when he heard his own voice. Little voice, though pleasant to hear but too weird to a 22 year old man like him.

The nurse gawked at his cuteness and immediately get a small mirror and brought it to him.

"Thank you." he mumbled
He face the mirror and he was beyond shocked at what he saw. 'Beautiful.' This boy is beautiful. Soft snow white skin, black hair as night, blue eyes that is clear as sky with gold specks around it, red petal like lips. This boy's face was feminine too and if he only not know the thing in between of his legs, this boy would definitely passed as a girl. Although he has a bandage on his forehead, it did not made him less attractive but it made him more fragile looking and delicate.

"Who am I?"
He unconsciously said it a little louder which was heard by the nurse.

The nurse was shocked.
"Wait? What do you mean? You don't know who you are? Do you remember anything?"the nurse asked him clearly in panicked

He just shook his head and stared at her. Unknown to him, he is rather looking like a lamb who is lost and has nowhere to go.
The nurse's heart missed a beat.

"I will call Dr. Stein and your family. I'll be right back."

The nurse run almost immediately.

Bloom sighed.

"Let's wait for your family to come before I will tell what's your condition." Doctor Morales stated. He looks unperturbed outside but his heart actually ache for the young villain. Well, with his frail looking stature, big doe eyes which is a little bit misty, who wouldn't be moved by this sight.

Bloom just nodded and looked down. He didn't know what to say. He clearly was still in daze after knowing that he is in a child's body. Who he didn't even know the identity.

As if on cue, the door opened again.
"What happened Doctor Morales?"

Bloom heard a voice of a boy who is undergoing puberty. But he didn't bother to look up.


Bloom heard another voice but it's a girl's voice this time. Bloom was confused and contemplating if he should look at them or not. But in the end he still looked up and saw a boy who looks like 15 or 16 and a girl who's around 12-13.

He tilted his head to the side. His face was full of confusion. "Who are you?" Bloom said with a small and soft voice.


The girl was anxious while they are heading to the room where their little brother has been confined.

"Big brother, do you think something is wrong?" she anxiously asked, hands clamped.

"Calm down. Shane will be fine."
The boy said not even showing a little bit of emotion. But inside he too was anxious.

They barged inside the room. Asked the doctor what happened but the doctor just gave them a meaningful look. Their gaze moves toward their little brother whose face was down.

"Shane?" the girl called the young villain. She bit her lower lip. She wasn't really expecting her little brother to talk to them. After all, they were not that close. And their little brother even loathed them. But the next thing happened made their hearts skipped a beat.
When the young villain looked up, they was stunned to see such a beauty. It seems like something is caressing their heart. The young villain tilted his head to the side which makes him even  more cute. His eyes was wet that was hanging on his long curly eyelashes that perfectly coated his big doe eyes.

"Who are you?"
They came back into their stupor when they heard him say that. The two immediately look towards the doctor before they looked at him again.

The older boy step forward and sat in the bed. His eyes softened just by looking at his fragile looking little brother.

"It's me, big brother. Don't you remember me?"his voice was soft. He caressed the young villain's soft rosy cheek. Instinctively, bloom retreated backward a little bit. The older brother frowned at his younger brother's action.

The older girl was stunned too when she hears her brother's soft and gentle voice towards their little brother. This was the first time she heard him talk like that. She just shook her head and went to his little brother's side too.

"How about me? Do you remember big sister? It's sister Sabrina." She gently approached the terrified rabbit, afraid that it will suddenly flee.

The young villain just shook his head. He looks pitiful and fragile with those big doe blue eyes with gold specks. He looks down and bit his lip. Their heart instantly ached.

The two siblings gaze at each other. They are silently communicating. Then, their gaze move towards the doctor before it fixed to the young villain.

Uwu, this young villain is too pitiful T_T

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