Chapter 4

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" It's not like that. I think the foods were great it's just that... where's the rice?" Bloom said while staring at Shione, his round eyes were bright and unblinking. Unaware on how he looks extremely adorable and innocent right now.

The maids who were watching the interaction between their masters gasps at how cute their second young master is, hands itching to grab the young villain, lock him in their embrace, and pamper him endlessly.

Meanwhile, slightly surprised, Shione asked, "Rice?"

After seeing the surprised expression of Shione, Bloom moves his gaze to Sabrina, then to Butler Jones, and back to Shione.

'Why are they looking at me like that? Surely, it wasn't because of rice right?'
He mentally queried, a bit confused on the strange looks he's receiving.
As if realizing something, Bloom's eyes widens, his face shows disbelief. 'Don't tell me there is no rice in this world? Is that why, last night, Sabrina only fed me fruits and meat? No. No. This can't be'

Obviously, he misunderstood the situation.

It is not called a meal if there is no rice!!
I am a rice man! And this is unacceptable.

Bloom was being hysterical for a moment when Shione suddenly said, "I thought you don't like rice?"

'W-what? Of course not. Who does not like rice? It clearly wasn't me. No. This should be fixed.'

Truthfully, the original owner of the body, Shane, does not like to eat rice. Of course, Bloom doesn't know about this data as it was not yet again mentioned in the novel.

Determined to clear things out, Bloom shook his head and hurriedly replied, "O-Of course not. I like rice very much big brother. In fact, I think rice is very good for my body. Don't you agree?"

Smiling, Sabrina lightly pinches the little bun's cheeks. "That's true. Big sister agrees to it. We'll have rice then."

After hearing those words, Bloom felt a sense of relief. He was feeling ecstatic. Unconsciously, he places a kiss on Sabrina's cheeks. "Thank you big sister. You're the best."

Sabrina was delighted after hearing his younger brother's compliments, she then glanced towards her older brother and showed a triumphant smile. More like taunting and boosting. Seeing that smile, Shione was annoyed. His mouth twitches. "Are you not going to thank big brother too? Look how big brother immediately ordered the chef to cook the rice after hearing you like them. I deserve those compliments too, don't I?"

Dumbfounded, Bloom gritted his teeth, he restrained his self on slapping Shione's face that has a wronged expression plastered on it.

Bloom have a bad premonition and remotely felt a head ache that he will be dealing along the way..
'Patience is a Virtue Bloom. Patience.'


Bloom waved happily to the two maidservants in front of him. He knows this two women, Nelly and Melanie.
Yes, in the novel, these two did not help the female lead on plotting against the young villain but they did not help the young villain either. So, he still needs to carry their favor. He won't take the risks.

The two maidservants smiles back, the older of the two spoke first, "Hello to you too Young Master Shane. This servant is named Melanie. And from now on we will be your personal maid."

"And I am named, Nelly. I'm happy to serve Young Master Shane."

Bloom was feeling anxious, he bit his cheek inside, and unconsciously held the hem of his shirt tightly. He did not like the way they addressed him. It was really uncomfortable. As he was not used to it.

"Can you not please call me Young Master. Shane would be fine."
He softly said, looking down and not wanting to meet their gaze.

The two maidservants almost choked at their own saliva, their hearts were racing and an urge to hug the adorable boy in front of them surfaces.

'Second Young Master is really adorable.'

'Too cute. I am thanking Lady Sabrina on giving me this task.'

"We can't do that but since second young master requested it we'll have to obey it. But we will only call you Shane in private. Is that okay?"

"Good enough."
Bloom nodded enthusiastically, showing his legendary 'toothy grin'


A week passed just like that, the Flairex Manor became much livelier and harmonious because of a certain young villain. All the living creatures inside the Flairex Manor loves how bubbly and adorable their second young master is. They can't help but to fell to his charms. Especially when Bloom shows his legendary 'toothy grin' , no one can resist the young villain anymore.

Bloom's effort was not put in vain. In just a matter of days, he already have a harmonious relationship not just with his siblings but with the people around him too. And this made Bloom elated.

In just a week, the indifferent looking Shione instantly softens when facing the young villain. Although he's clingy and shameless most of the time, Bloom was still happy about it. Knowing that at least, now, someone genuinely cares for the young villain.
Also, Sabrina has been spending her time on taking care of him. There is not a day that she will fail to greet him, then picked foods for him and read him a bedtime stories.
Bloom also managed to crack the masks of the indifferent Butler Jones. Sometimes, Butler Jones took the initiative on greeting him. Pats his head while a gentle smile was visible on his face. Although there is a time when Bloom got confused when talking to Butler Jones, and the latter will suddenly became stiff then bid his goodbyes and immediately fled. Then, Shione would showed up.
His relationship with Melanie and Nelly is pretty good too. They reminds Bloom of his friends in his original world.

Presently, he and his siblings were having a bonding in the garden. Enjoying the fine weather, and was just happily taking advantage of the moment.
Bloom was satisfied at the progressed.

He was feeling very happy that he did not foresee the arrival of a Witch without a broom that will definitely cause a turmoil in the Flairex Manor.

A/N :
This indolent author wants to say "Thank you"

Your comments really motivates me \^^/
Sorry for the short update

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