Riley Meets Smackle pt.1

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"Ancient Greece-"

"What that?" Riley asks, pointing at the present sitting on the desk. "What that that?"

"What this this? This is a present."

"Gee thanks, Dad," Nathan said rolling his eyes. "now I finally know what those boxes I keep opening on my birthday and Christmas are called."

"Nathan, be nice," Riley scolds. "Is the present for me?"

"What's your game Matthews?" Maya questions.

"Game? I mean no game. I just want to know who here wants this present?"

Nathan, along with the entire class excluding Maya, raises his hand.

"Oh, Maya, what? You assume by playing hard to get, I'm gonna give it to you?

"Well, yes. That's one of the many arrows in my quiver."

Farkle shudders, "Medieval talk-- What are you doing to me, woman?"

"Calm down, buddy," Nathan says patting Farkle's shoulder.


"The present is for me? Awesome."

Nathan holds the present in his hands for a bit, admiring the wrapping paper, before passing the present over to his sister, "Happy Birthday, Riley."

"It's my birthday?" she asks surprised.

"Just open the present."

"Yay." Riley opens the present and the smile that was previously on her face dropped. "The Trojan horse?"

"This isn't a present. This is one of your life lessons wrapped up in a class lesson wrapped up in a box of nothing."

Riley turns to her brother and gives him a betrayed look, "Nathan you were in on the trick?"

"Dad said give you a present, so I gave a present. I'm just as much a victim as you are."

"Riley, don't blame your brother.  You assumed because it was all neat and pretty that something good was inside. Ancient Troy was protected by walls. The Greeks couldn't get in, so they built a big wooden horse and left it behind. What do you think the Trojans did?"

"They left it there because they were afraid that somebody was trying to teach them something."

"Nathan. What did the Trojans do?"

"They brought the horse inside of their walls."

That's right. They captured it as a trophy and brought it inside. That night, the Greek soldiers crawled out of the horse and defeated Troy. Mr.Friar, tell us what we have learned here?"

"Don't make assumptions based on what you see?"

"Good. Riley, listen, I'm sorry I used your brother to make an example out of you. So here's a gift for you."

Nathan watches with a bemused look on his face as his sister struggles with whether this is a trick or not. He raises an eyebrow however when Lucas raises his hand for the present.

"I'll take my chances with that, sir."

It would seem Nathan isn't the only one his dad recruited for today's lesson.

"No, Lucas. You have to assume it was no good because the first one was no good. Aren't you all proud of me, dad?"

Now the question on Nathan's mind is who this trick is for. Riley isn't likely to fall for the same trick a third time and having been in on the first one Nathan isn't going to fall for one as well.

"Get out of detention free," Lucas reads off the card.

Nathan watches as Maya takes the card from Lucas in agreement to not calling him Ranger Rick for a week and then does a little song and dance on his dad's desk.

"Read the card."

"What?" Maya asks.


"Say 'get out of detention free' then give worthless card to Maya then watch her dance on my desk."

Dejected, Maya returns back to her seat.

"Never assume. Look more deeply. Just because something is wrapped up all pretty, doesn't always mean it is."


Nathan sits beside Lucas in the auditorium during the debate between their school and Einstein academy. Because Farkle is his best friend and Isadora is also is friend, Nathan has decided to not cheer for either.

Even though Farkle has never beat Isadora in a debate he will support both of his friends. No matter what. Today he is Switzerland.

"In conclusion, school uniforms reduce individuality which will be unnecessary in the real world when you're all working for me. Thank you. I am Farkle!"

"And now from Einstein academy. 'Undefeated this season, 72 pounds of raw intellectual power! She is who your mama wishes she gave birth to!' The one, the only... Smackle"

Nathan laughs as Isadora runs through some with her face on it and does a few punches.

"Wearing a uniform makes you surrender to conformity and sacrifices uniqueness, which is our most valuable freedom. Don't let anybody tell you what to wear. Don't let anybody tell you what to be. Smackle, the one and only, out."

"Wow. I can see why you like her, Nat."

"You can?"

"Sure. She's eccentric and you seem to like that."

"Huh, that's true. But if that's case then why do I like you? You're not eccentric at all."

Smirking Lucas leans closer to Nathan's ear and then whispers,  "Attendez juste après votre sortie. Pour notre premier rendez-vous, je vous emmène danser en ligne. Ensuite, vous verrez à quel point je peux être excentrique." (Just wait until after you come out. For our first date, I'll take you line dancing. Then you'll see how eccentric I can be)

Blushing slightly, Nathan nudges Lucas away from him with his shoulder, "Come on. Let's go check on Farkle and then I'll introduce you to Isadora."

"How ya doin' buddy?"

"I need something to cheer me up."

"Well, that's what I'm here for. Just let me go congratulate Isadora first and then we can go get ice cream."

"Uh-looks like your sister is one step ahead of you, Nat."

"What are you talking about?"

Lucas points towards the exit and Nathan turns just in time to his sister and Maya walk out of the door with Isadora in between them.

"She's up to something."

"Who, Riley?"

"No not-"

"Hello! Remember me? Your best friend whom you so graciously offered to buy ice cream," Farkle interjects.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go. I'll call Isadora later."

I'm back readers. This chapter took a while because I've been stressed out over how to write Smackle. I still am by the way. It's why she's not really in this episode. You're likely to get more updates than normal because I'll be out of school for a while due to the coronavirus. I still have work to due I just get to do it at home now. Comment with your thoughts on this chapter. Personally I'm ready to get through most of season1 episodes so I can get to more exciting chapters.

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