Nathan Meets Game Night pt.1

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I'm back I promise. This episode turned out to be way harder to write than I was expecting. While you read this part and the next I'm asking you to keep in mind that I'm a very firm believer in character development. If there's no development there's no point. So don't worry about Josh too much.

"Family game night," Cory says happily. "My favorite night of the month. Just me, my family, and my jammy-pants."

"Why would do you guys have to make such a big deal about game night," questions Riley.

"Because game night is sacred," their dad answers. "Riley, Nathan I know this is gonna come as a shock to you. But there's gonna come a day where you start to prioritize friends over your family."

"Never," Nathan says confidently. His family is everything to him.

Riley being her awkward self gives an awkward and suspicious answer that has their mother looking strangely at them.

Suddenly Maya barges into their house, where she got a key Nathan isn't sure, "Did you tell him yet? Did he freak? Did she tell you?  Did you freak? Show me what you did.  Freak out for me."

All said in one breath.

"Why would I freak out? I don't freak out," he says before panicking and asking Nathan and Riley what they did.

And then the door opens again, seriously why are they just leaving their door unlocked like that, and Auggie and Josh come in.

"Family game night," Auggie says. "Now with extra family."

Nathan shudders as Maya tries to flirt with Josh.

Josh explains that he and Auggie never left the city because Auggie didn't want to miss family game night. And a small part feels happy about that.

Ever since Christmas things between Josh and Nathan have been strained. Josh hasn't outright said that he has a problem with Nathan being gay, but he also hasn't said he doesn't have a problem.

Even his Grandpa Alan said he'd work on being more accepting, but Josh just acted like he didn't hear a word that Nathan said. Which would be fine, if he also hadn't been going out of his way to exclude Nathan from things as well.

Like the trip down to Philadelphia. Josh came and offered to have boys night out weekend with Auggie while Nathan and Riley were at school.

And apparently the went out and bought steaks. How fun.

Nathan ignores the little voice in his head telling him that things aren't okay as Josh avoids the seat next to him and sits down next to Maya instead.

At least Farkle and Lucas have arrived.

"Topanga. It's happening. I thought we had a few more years."

"Calm down," she tells him.

"No calm. It's happening right now. Riley and Nathan invited their friends over for family game night."

He says the last part looking at Nathan accusingly.

"She did it," Nathan says pointing his finger at Riley.

"Riley, shnookums.  Um, you're gonna have to start to prioritize what's more important to you, your family, huh?  Or your friends?"

Nathan shakes his head the interaction between the two of the them.

"Welcome to family game night, friends," Riley says opening the door and Nathan gets up to greet them while his dad drags Riley into the kitchen.

"Glad you guys could make it," he tells them.

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