02. Sharing a milkshake

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[Dick - 13; Wally - 15]

On a hot summer day, what do you do?
Well, a certain bird and speedster decided to spend the day together, mess around and hang out. They currently were sitting in a Café and waiting for their orders.

"Come on, KF." whined the raven-haired boy. "No, Dude! You know how we speedsters are about our food", exclaimed the redhead back. Pouting, Dick crossed his arms over his chest, puffing it. "You shared food with me before, so what's the deal now?"
Suppressing the oncoming blush, Wally pulled his milkshake protectively closer to himself. "Then was then, now is now. I just don't want to share with you my drink!", defended Wally. 'And I don't want to share an indirect kiss with you, because my feelings are complicated enough as they are.'

Dick rolled his eyes and sulked at being rejected by his best friend before an idea came to his mind. "Well~", sang Dick, slowly moving his stool closer to Wally's, while grabbing something from the tablet that was brought with the milkshake. Wally didn't spend any attention on that, more so on the fact of how close the bird was getting to his face. "I'm getting a taste one-way or another," Dick said in a deep voice, making Wally gulp.
Dick leaned closer and closer, before catching Wally completely off guard, shoving him back and sticking another straw into the drink. "HEY!" Wally pushed the offending arm away from him. "So totally not fair, Dude!" Dick smirked and winked. "All is fair in love and war," he said, before standing up and dashing away.

Looking wistfully after the bird, the offended expression melting from his face. Wally sighed and quickly drank the rest of the milkshake before following his bird, not fully realizing that he drank from the same straw Dick used.

In the end, they did share their first (indirect) kiss that day.

In the end, they did share their first (indirect) kiss that day

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