07. Wedding Day

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[Dick - 26; Wally - 28]

Dick stood at the altar, trying to stop himself from running his hands through his styled hair due to his nerves, and impatiently glanced at the entrance from where Wally should walk in any minute now.
The hall was filled with heroes and close friends, Wally and he chose to have a wedding purely with close friends and family. He could see his family in the first row: Tim and Damian behaving for once and Jason (somewhat) patiently waiting, but he couldn't fool Dick, he saw the tears threatening to spill. Bruce, when Dick last saw him, who was currently helping Alfred and Barry with Wally, tried to not show it but Dick knew that the man who was like a father to him was hiding the tears that were threatening to spill.
He also saw the girls, Stephanie, Cass and Barbara, who looked close to tears.
There was also the Flash Family, who were definitely close to bursting out in tears.

While taking calming breaths, Dick wondered if Wally was as nervous as him.


"Mister Wallace, I must ask you to stand still," Alfred asked calmly as the said person was literarily vibrating. "I can't! What if something goes wrong? What if Dick sees that I'm not worthy of him? Whatifitsrainsortheworldendsor-" "Wow wow wow," Barry firmly put his hands on the redhead's shoulder to steady him. "Kid, calm down."
Wally stopped and stared at his Uncle in distress. "But Uncle Barry, what if Dick realizes he doesn't want to marry me? What if he-" "Wally." Barry interrupted him, a rare hard look on his face. "You've known each other for years. You have each other's back and would die to save the other. I know without a doubt that Dick loves you as much as you love him, so stop worrying." Barry's face softened and squeezed his shoulder comfortingly.
Wally slightly relaxed and calmed enough to stop vibrating, Alfred continuing to ready the speedster with the white suit.

"Everything's ready here?", came the deep voice from Bruce as he walked into the room. Barry smiled and let go of Wally, stepping back, "Yeah, aside from the fact that the bride is that his groom doesn't want to marry him." Wally flushed and fidgeted, "I just don't want Dick to regret marrying me."
Bruce walked over and caught Wally's eyes. "Dick loved you for as long as I can remember. He talked about you for hours and would do so much for you. He gave you his heart years ago and not once have I seen doubt come from him. This decision for him was already made years ago. Dick won't regret it, he'll love it and he wouldn't want you to think like that. So don't start doubting now, Wally."
Wally looked at his lover's adoptive father face and only saw sincerity and love. Suppressing the tears, Wally nodded, the tension leaving his body.

~Wedding Hall~

With each minute passing, Dick grew more and more nervous, anxiously fidgeting and glancing back and forth from the entrance. They should be here by now. Where are they? Did something happen? Panic was slowly rising when the music started to play and the doors opened. Wally stepped out with Barry at his side, slowly making their way to the altar.
Their eyes met and Dick was restraining himself from rushing to his soon-to-be husband. Wally, on the other hand, visibly speed up, eager to finally be reunited, while Barry tried to slow him down.

Finally, at the altar, Barry let go of Wally who quickly moved to Dick. They stood in front of each other and stared at the beauty of the other. "Hi," Dick greeted breathlessly. "Hi," Wally softly said back, blushing. They were so lost in the other's eyes that the words of the Priest were flowing over their head. Time flew, t was only them and as the Priest said they could finally kiss, who were they to disagree.
Dick put his hands on Wally's neck and waist and pulled him closer. Wally put his hands on Dick's shoulders and leaned forward.

"I love you," the groom whispered. "I love you too," answered the bride, as they sealed their marriage with a kiss.

 "I love you too," answered the bride, as they sealed their marriage with a kiss

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