12. Ballroom dancing

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[Dick - 23; Wally - 25]

When you are on a party full of rich people as a man from middle-class, what are you supposed to do? Wally sure as hell didn't know. Of course, with how long he has known Dick, he had been invited a couple of times and attended some, but the feeling of being the odd one out is still there, especially when he is without someone familiar.

Where is Dick when you need him, Wally thought as he was standing on the sidelines, hoping to go unnoticed by the judging eyes of the higher-class of Gotham. He was so focused on hiding from sight to notice that someone was approaching him from the other side.
A hand touched his shoulder all of a sudden, making him jump and whirl around.

Dick held his hands up in surrender and looked at Wally with a raised eyebrow. "Whoa, Dude. Calm down." The redhead sighed and let his shoulder slump. "I'm not cut out for this."
A concerned looked crossed Dick's face as he lowered his hands and moved to stand beside him in a way that shielded him from the rest of the party and its onlookers.
"Why's that? It never bothered you this much before." Wally lifted his eyes to Dick's before looking down again. 

"It's just...", he didn't know how to say what was on his mind. He glanced up to see Dick patiently waiting for him to collect his thought, which just caused to make Wally feel guilty. He shouldn't have to burden Dick with this.
Wally ran a hand through his hair and sighed in defeat. "It's just...this is the first time I'm on one of these parties with them knowing our relationship. I don't know if I can handle their judging stares."

Dick patiently listened to Wally's worries, as a thoughtful expression came onto his face. 
"What if you ignore them?", Dick asked Wally, which brought him an incredulous look from the redhead. Dick smirked, the act promising something. What? Wally didn't know, which worried him tremendously. 
"Wait here," Dick said before rushing off somewhere into the crowd. "Like I would leave," Wally grumbled, before making himself comfortable leaning against the wall.

A few minutes passed when a familiar song started to play. Wally realized which song it was and who requested it when Dick appeared from the crowd, a bright smile on his face. "Let's go," the acrobat grabbed the speedsters hand, leading him towards the dancefloor.

On the dance floor, Dick got in position and laid his hands on Wally's waist, and started swaying. "Did you really do that?", Wally looked with wonder at his partner, who softly smiled up at him. "Speed of sound by Coldplay." Our song.

Deeply touched, Wally let himself get lost in the song and moved along with Dick, oblivious to the looks from the other attendees. 


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