08. Building an IKEA cabinet

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[Dick - 22; Wally - 24]

It was a hot summer weekend and currently was Wally laying on the floor of his (who was once his ex) boyfriend's apartment. When he imagined moving in with Dick, he didn't think it would be this disastrous (heavy on the dis). Now, there he was, sweating his ass off, while Dick was trying to decipher the instruction for their IKEA cabinet.
This is what he gets, letting Dick do it, while the man had less than 6 hours of sleep this week and it's Saturday.

"Ugh," Wally pushed the cardboard box of his head and sat up. "That's it!" Dick looked up from the instructions to give a puzzled look at his boyfriend. "Wha- Wally?"
Huffing annoyed, the speedster stood up and moved towards the bird and took the anger-inducing papers from him and threw them to the other side of the living room. "Hey, I need-" "No," Wally interrupted any objections before Dick could make them. "I didn't plan to waste my Saturday with doing nothing while your sleep-deprived ass is too tired to comprehend IKEA instructions." Wally pulled the ebony of the ground and started to pull him towards the bedroom.
"Wally, I don't need-," Dick struggled but was too weak to shake the redhead off, which was just confirming exhausted the bird was, and just let himself be pulled towards the bed. "Okay, maybe I do." Even he, as a former protege to the most stubborn man on Earth, knew when it was hopeless to fight and Wally could rival him if necessary.

Wally glanced over his shoulder at his visibly overworked boyfriend. "Glad to see that you finally see sense." Dick gave a tired smile at his joke, which was more than he hoped for. He looked like he could fall asleep while standing.
Opening the bedroom door, Wally pushed Dick towards the bed. "Shouldn't I-", Dick started but Wally quickly cut him off. "Nope! You can change once you got some much deserving sleep," he cheerily said, while pushing Dick on the bed. "But-" "Can't hear you over the sleeping you're doing~" The speedster laid beside the bird and pulled the cover over them, pulling him closer and secured him with his arm, so that Dick can't escape.

"...you win. This time," Dick murmured, his eyes already falling shut. Wally chuckled.

"Love you too," he whispered to the already sleeping bird, before also closing his eyes to join him in dreamland.

"Love you too," he whispered to the already sleeping bird, before also closing his eyes to join him in dreamland

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