17. First kiss

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I have to give thanks to Ace on AO3 who had helped with the idea for this chapter. This is a continuing from Day 5.

[Dick - 15; Wally - 17]

Wally was nervously pacing his room, contemplating if he should go through with it or not. Looking at his phone in his hands, he sighed before texting. Now or never.


Dick looked up from his homework when his phone vibrated. Picking it up, Dick could already guess who was texting him.

Freshness Jr: wanna come over dude??

Freshness Jr: have a surprise

The acrobat raised an eyebrow, Wally doesn't normally write like this, so...readable (for his standards). Choosing to ignore that for now, he texted a reply. 

Me: sure dude

Me: be there in 10

Packing his stuff together, he went down to the Batcave where the Zetabeam was and used it to travel to Blue Valley, leaving a note to tell Bruce and Alfred where he was. (Bruce was at work and Alfred was out getting stuff, Dick doesn't remember what.)  
Stepping out of the Teleporter, Dick made the short journey to the redheads home.


Not even a second passed after he knocked when the door was ripped open by the speedster, an excited expression plastered on his face. "Finally, Dude! I was waiting," he pulled the ebony through the door and slammed it shut. "I have to show you something." He pulled Dick up the stairs and into his room, closing the door behind them.

Looking around the room, Dick saw nothing new or exciting that could've caused the other to react like this and turned to the redhead. "What is it that you want to show me?"

Wally became suddenly nervous, looking everywhere but Dick, before slowly making his way to stand before him. "I just...I've wanted to say something for a while and- well, uh...," collecting himself, Wally forced himself to relax and look straight into the acrobat's eyes. "Do you, ähm, remember that one sleepover where you had a nightmare and we- uh, baked something, from your mother's cookbook?"
Dick didn't know where exactly Wally was going with this but nodded. He remembered that night, it was a memory he sometimes revisited when Wally and he had an argument because it showed how much Wally cared about him, even back then when they didn't know each other that long.

"Well...you know that the cookbook was in Romani or Romanianorwhatever- the point is," Wally took a big breath. "You said that I wouldn't have the patience to learn it and I said I will and I'm gonna wow you with my skillsandyou'regonnaswoonand-" Dick put a hand on his shoulder. Slightly calming down, Wally ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "This wasn't supposed to be such a mess."

"Just say what you have to say," Dick calmly looked up into his eyes through his sunglasses.
Wally pushed the sunglasses up on Dick's head and softly placed his hands on his cheeks, slightly tipping his head up.
Wally opened his mouth and gently said.

"Te iubesc, păsărică." 

Dick's eyes widened, a blush spreading over his face, mirroring Wally's red face.

"Te iubesc atat de mult."

"Your accent is terrible," Dick didn't know what to say. The warm feeling in his heart growing throughout his body.
Wally raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"
Dick chuckled and gripped his collar. "Saruta-ma, idiotule."

Wally smiled. "Bucuros."

Wally leaned down, while Dick leaning up and met halfway into a kiss.

Pulling back, the redhead broke into a grin. "Told you I would learn it," Dick smirked and gently pushed his shoulder.
"That's great, but maybe try my native language next time." The grin fell from the speedster's face. "But it is, isn't it?!"
Dick crackled. "That's Romanian, not Romani. There's a difference." Wally groaned and threw his hands up.

"Three years learning a language and it's all for nothing!" The acrobat stood aside, watching amused as Wally whined. "Hey, it's not all for nothing," Dick took Wally's hand and pulled him closer. "You learning Romanian for me was really touching and a good start for Romani. And besides," he leaned and whispered into the redhead's ear. "I can teach you if you want."

Feeling Dick's warm breath brush over his ear, Wally grew hot at the sensation and closeness.

He was fucked. 

Te iubesc, păsărică - I love you, dicky bird

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Te iubesc, păsărică - I love you, dicky bird

Te iubesc atat de mult - I love you so much

Saruta-ma, idiotule - Kiss me, you idiot

Bucuros - Gladly/Happy

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