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I sat by the window as the clouds of rain gradually began to clear.

Maybe the weather was a metaphor for how things were looking for me at the moment, less ambiguous than they had been at the beginning.

There was a tap at my door, I got up and strode toward the sound, opening the door.

Ophelia stared me in the eyes, her expression blank, "Chris told me what you did to Rachel."           

"I h-had to, O-Ophelia." I ushered her in, "W-what she w-was d-doing it w-wasn't r-right. S-so, b-before you s-scream at m-me, just u-understand t-that –"

She cut me off by hugging me, "Thank you. You're the best."

Ophelia had hugged me a million times before but somehow this one was different to the rest. It felt like she hadn't seen me in years.

"N-no problem." I wrapped my arms around her tightly, "What a-are s-sisters for?"

She took a seat on my bed, smiling up at me.

"So, d-did she s-stop?"



Ophelia stopped me, "But after someone spread this rumour that she picked a fight with a 'sick girl in a wheelchair' and still got her butt kicked, she hasn't even looked at me."

I giggled, "C-Chris did t-that, d-didn't h-he?"

She nodded, "Rachel's finally seeing what it's like to be picked on."

Returning to my place by the window I sat facing her.

"Mom says you're getting out of here soon. That true?"

I sighed, "Y-yeah."

When Doctor Addison had told me earlier this week that I could leave I should have been jumping for joy, but I wasn't.

I had come to love this place and all the people in it.

I was going to miss it here.

"I know you don't want to leave, but look on the bright side," She came over to me, "You can always visit Luna, Lance and Abbie whenever you want."

"Y-yeah, I g-guess."

"Come on, positron." She smirked, "Don't be so negative."

"What d-did y-you just c-call m-me?"

"A positron. Positive electron?"

I stared at her.

"Because you always collide with negative people and destroy them?"

I chuckled, "Doesn't t-that t-technically d-destroy me t-too?"

"Yes. You sacrifice yourself for us other subatomic particles."

"D-do I?"

She rolled her eyes and got up, "See you soon, positron."

"You t-too, p-proton."


"You need help packing up all this stuff?" Lance stood in the doorway smiling.

I giggled, "I'm n-not p-packing yet, L-Lance."

He let himself in and sat down, "You should be."

"I'm l-leaving n-next week, n-no r-rush."

He suddenly engulfed me in his arms, "I'm g-going to m-miss not h-having y-you here."

I wrapped my arms around him in return.

Tears began to slip from my eyes, "Yeah, m-me t-too."

He tightened his grip before letting go of me, "You'll come and visit though, right?"

"O-obviously. You a-and Luna w-would g-go mad w-without m-me."

"Sure." He got up, "Lunch?"

"Yeah, w-why not?" I got up and followed him out the room, "Can't h-hurt to e-eat."

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