above the clouds

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"Who didn't do the dishes?" Luna screamed from the kitchen, "This is the second time!"

It had been five years since my discharge.

My speech had gotten better, I only faltered once or twice every few sentences.

I had gotten my bachelor's degree in social sciences and was on my way to becoming a social worker.

Preferably I wanted to become one in a school so that I could protect kids from the agony that Jamie went through.

I wouldn't let it happen again.

"Answer me!" Luna chased Lance around the living room, waving around a pan.

Luna, Lance, Abbie and I were now all living together in Portland, Oregon.

While Ophelia lived in Canada working her way up to becoming an engineer and Chris was travelling the world.

Right now he was in France.

"Shut up, both of you." Abbie bellowed from her room, "Bailey, help me out here."

Abbie had become a fulltime artist offering her services to the online world.

"Alright, calm down." I got up, "Put the p-pan down."

Luna was a part-time barista and had recently started blogging

"Jesus, it's not that bad." Lance smirked, "Oh yeah, it was my turn."

Lance worked an office job. He was an administrator at a company not far from our home.

"Lance!" I rolled my eyes at him, "Do the d-damn dishes."

"Sure." He strolled over to the sink.

Last I had heard Rachel had gotten accepted into a college in Utah but had moved to Los Angeles where she started working as a wedding planner.

"Finally, some order." Luna flopped onto the couch, "Now can we go?"

I sighed and got up taking my laptop with me.

We were going to a restaurant to celebrate the release of Luna's blog mainly because she had forced us to but we'll forget about that part.

As I walked up the stairs and into my room, I looked to the picture of me and Jamie.

"Hey there J-Jamie," I picked up her framed letter and the picture, "Hope you're doing okay today."

I smiled before putting the frames down and shutting the door behind me.

"Ready to go?" Abbie was putting on her hoodie.


Lance opened the door and sunlight filled the room, "Weather's good."

"Lose the hoodie, Abbie." Luna looked back at her.

They all left the house.

I grabbed my keys and phone off the counter before shutting the door behind me.

"Can we get some ice cream?" Luna smiled at us.


"But – "


"Luna, stop p-pouting." I took her hand, "Come on."

The weather is great today, Jamie.

Hope it's the same above the clouds.

Talk to you soon,


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