[Misc] [AU] College Au (1)

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Here are the roles in the au (I don't think I created this au, so consider this my version of the RM college au.)

*The myths are usually the students. Albert would be either a student or student-teacher (I'm not sure yet.)

Staff members

Chancellor: creamofcrab

Dean: Kaden/jokerkid5898

Counselor: Father Sun (g0z helps in the therapy after school hours)

Professors: (Pretty much everyone on the staff team, since there aren't that many staff, so here's what type everyone would be teaching)

Senseiviny: English, algebra, and business

Kaden/jokerkid5898: Art, Science, and history

Adam/Speedy2662: Finance, Engineering, and biology

Albert/mrflimflam (if he was a teacher/student-teacher): Fencing, Building, and marketing

A/N: This is just the roles, I'll put headcanons for this in a future chapter. (idk when)

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