[Misc] [Writing] College AU (2)

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A/N: Myths and Myth hunters can be students at the college au

*I decided that Albert is going to be a student-teacher since I just like the idea of him being a student-teacher.


Albert woke up to the sound of birds chirping at his window.

"Ughh..." Albert groaned as he looked to his clock.

6 AM...

Why did he allow Kaden to talk him into this?

So he dragged himself out of bed and did his morning routine, before packing his stuff and going to the college. (But not without stuffing a slice of toast in his mouth before sprinting there, because of cliches.)

When he went there, he did not expect to see the variety there. And I'm not talking about everyone having different interests, I'm talking everyone had their own style of dressing. Some had scrubs [Medical outfits] on, while others looked like plague doctors, and- oh my goodness there were also clowns?! (Not that he had a problem with clowns.) Maybe he should wear his minion costume since there didn't seem to be a [strict] dress code here...


"Marketing 1102..." Albert said to himself as he looked over his schedule. Well, instead of procrastinating, he should just go teach, how bad could it be?


The man looked at his lesson plan nervously. What if he messes up on what he's supposed to say? 

He didn't want to repeat the same incident he had in high school... (But then again, that was a completely different situation.)

"Don't worry, Albert, we all get nervous our first time." Kaden assured him before opening the fridge of the teacher's lounge.

"Right... Thank you, Kaden." Albert said as he enjoyed his breakfast, before leaving to go to the classroom.

Breathe in... Breathe out...

He'll get through this...

He's taught his fans to troll those restaurant games, so he should be able to teach marketing...

He walked into the class [albeit hesitantly].

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Albert, and I'll be introducing you to the wonders of marketing!"

So far, so good...

He should be able to get through this smoothly...


After the sermon, Albert watched as the students dispersed.

Maybe this job wouldn't be as stressful as he thought...


A/N 2: This is just a [very] short story that I've written for the college AU. It's not a headcanon or a theory.

Is it unfinished? I don't know, I might make a part 2 where Albert is a student.

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