[T] Circus in the Sky (1)

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A/N: These are theories that I've mainly gathered using the CITS comic, G0z's channel, and Albert's videos on the CITS.

Also, there are comic spoilers, so be aware

If you want to read the comic, you can read it at: ( g0z.thecomicseries.com )


1. Is Father Sun a good guy, or is he a bad guy?

In G0z's videos, we see that he tends to say Father Sun is a good guy, usually by saying that [Father Sun] fills the circus crew (Except for YUKC0) with happiness. 

But it is implied that G0z (and maybe some of the circus workers) is influenced to do certain things (e.g breaking kneecaps [see: https://youtu.be/A9NbGpZ4gCU?t=577 where he says that FS tells him that breaking kneecaps isn't that much of a bad thing], and possibly murder).

Considering the fact that FS is portrayed as a good guy [in the circus members' eyes], and probably influencing G0z to allegedly break people's kneecaps, It's pretty hard to tell if Father Sun is a good guy or a bad guy.


2. G0z Is/was insane.

In G0z's first video ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGzNc3n_t3Q ) We see that he's having a tea party with his friends (who are dolls). There's nothing wrong with this because we've had a friend or two (or plenty) that were dolls/toys/etc, but G0z tells us in this video that [the dolls] know that he's innocent and can speak for him. 

Would this be considered insanity, given the fact that he said that the dolls can vouch for him?

We can also see in the comic that after Father Sun possessed(?) him, he says "I'll be with you again one day... When you have nothing left but madness..."

Could this statement mean that we'll see G0z becoming insane later on in the comic?


3. the graveyard

When you visit the CITS and go to the graveyard, you can see this gravestone that's torn in half.

When you visit the CITS and go to the graveyard, you can see this gravestone that's torn in half

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We can easily say "Oh, that's probably G0z's wife." or something like that. But in the comic, Annie is supposedly G0z's birth name, which invalidates the "wife" theory.

In Albert's Video of the circus, G0z tells him that the gravestones are supposed to be for any unfortunate accidents ( https://youtu.be/lscD3lQXjRI?t=190 ), which is why he has pre-marked gravestones.

Could the fact that G0z has this particular gravestone torn in half symbolize the fact that he's leaving his old identity [Annie Holmes] and going towards his new identity [G0z holmes]?

(off-topic but just how many freaking gravestones does g0z need, he's only one person he doesn't need two graves and-)


4. Is Yukc0 the only sane circus member?

Yuck0 seems to be the only circus member that isn't influenced by FS, and it shows in his grumpy demeanor. Would this mean that he's the only sane person at the Circus in the Sky?

Hear me out, most of the circus workers are under the influence of Father Sun, In G0z's Q&A video, Yucko says that he doesn't even know Father sun ( https://youtu.be/MVKiI0nBjII?t=180 ) [Although I'm not sure, since FS is literally watching over the circus, and Yucko might've seen him at least a few times].

Maybe Yucko is one of the more sane circus workers since he is able to experience feelings other than [overwhelming] happiness.

Side note here, but in G0z's basement tour where he mentions pills [which might be Yucko's]. 

What would these pills be used for? Are they antidepressants of some sort?


5. G0z isn't completely innocent (regarding his murder accusations)

When I was watching some of G0z's videos, I noticed that he tends to either:

A. Mention that he didn't kill anyone or that he's innocent (usually out of nowhere)

or B. Change subjects once the topic if him committing questionable acts very quickly ( https://youtu.be/MVKiI0nBjII?t=200 )

This could possibly mean that he did kill people during his lifetime, but it's usually hard to tell since we usually see G0z as a good guy, rather than a killer clown (But then again, he hasn't really killed anyone lately, as far as we know.)


Here are all the theories I have on the Circus In the Sky (for now).

I hope you enjoy these theories I have!

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