[T] Circus in the Sky (2)

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A/N: I will be putting this book on an indefinite hiatus after this chapter is published because I don't feel motivated enough to do myth headcanons and theories, sorry. 🙁

Content warnings: Mentions of death/afterlife, Mentions of torture (medical malpractice)


1. "Circus In the Sky" is a metaphor for "Heaven" or "Death".

To be honest, I don't have any supporting evidence for this, but there are things in the circus that make me think that the CITS is symbolic of heaven/afterlife.

This is mainly because of the graves and the entire Circus being in the sky. The main reason why I am leaning more towards Heaven is because of the fun and happiness (Excluding Yucko and the creature near Father Sun) that's in the circus.

The only thing that might resemble hell would probably be the dark creature that tells you to not trust Father Sun or the creatures in the circus' church that are in eternal worship. Could this mean that all of the circus members were dead all along, and are in the afterlife?

2. The Circus is just a part of G0z' imagination.

G0z is said to be a bit insane, so I believe that the circus (and probably those in it, save for G0z himself) might be figments of his imagination. What if the circus in the sky was a fabricated hallucination of g0z? If this theory ends up being real, would that further cement the idea of g0z being insane?

But then again, in the comic, G0z/Annie was able to visit Sunothodis, but I don't know if Sunothodis was real.

3. G0z has probably committed malpractice (Mainly of medical/hematology-related procedures).

G0z has been accused of murder, and there are a few somewhat confirmed bodies in a few of his games.

Could some of these murders be from G0z killing his patients? Whether it be by giving patients untested substances, thinking that it would cure them, or for his sadistic gain, g0z might've killed a few of his patients.


A/N: I just remembered that I had these theories on the back burner for 3 years 😔

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