~Chapter Four~

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"Now come with me. It's time we celebrate." Todoroki said in a soft voice as he began to lead his student down the long hallway, the mirror mysteriously shutting behind them.

Izuku stayed quiet as he allowed himself to follow behind his teacher, still holding onto his hand tightly. His eyes held a rather entranced look in them; This was the Phantom? This was the ghost that had caused the opera so much trouble since he began his career here? He had expected the "ghost" to be ugly and a much older man - Not this handsome man who looked to be about his age. Could it be that they were both raised here in the opera - But kept away from each other?

After a while of the two walking together down the dimly light hallway, they arrived to a boat on a large body of water. Todoroki stopped in his tracks and looked down to the boat, as if signaling for Izuku to go into the boat first. "After you, my dear."

Izuku gulped and slowly but surely walked onto the boat and sat down onto an open seat. He then helped his teacher into the boat with him. The masked man then grabbed an oar from the boat and stayed standing before he began to row their boat down to the water onto a path that would lead them somewhere.

"U-unmm... Wh-where are we g-going?" Izuku asked in the same shy stuttering tone as before.

"To my home. Where I live. Don't worry, it isn't far." Todoroki replied, "In the meantime, why don't you sing for me? It will help pass the time and it will relax me."

"S-sing? Wh-what should I sing?"

"How about those vocal exercises that I taught you? You always do so well with them. It's like music to my ears."

Izuku's face burned bright red and he rubbed the back of his neck. He honestly didn't think that his own singing was that good, but if Todoroki, his teacher and the Phantom thought so, then he guess it must've been true enough. "O-okay..." Was all he said before clearing his throat and began working on his exercises. These were one of the reasons his voice was so good. God only knew how many hours he put his voice through the torment of these exercises to please his teacher and to make himself better at being a performer.

As the boat rowed onwards down the path, Izuku's exercises began more and more extravagant and higher than any tenor or soprano could even hit. But Todoroki, as he rowed the boat, continued to watch his student. He was so innocent, so beautiful, and he was finally his. Once he was claimed.

The two eventually arrived at the lair of Todoroki just as Izuku hit the final note of his exercise. The lair was dimly lit, but just bright enough for Izuku to see everything. It was covered with so many candles and candelabras. It was also covered with different statues, mirrors, and chairs. There was also a large pipe organ and a swan bed off to the corner. It was beautiful, if Izuku was being honest.

Todoroki instantly left the boat and then leaned over, holding out his hand for his darling student to take. "Come." He whispered sweetly.

Izuku felt his heart start to pound once again, smiling a little and taking the other male's hand. He stood up and exited the boat, stepping his feet onto the lair of his secret teacher. The two walked over to the pipe organ, in which Todoroki let go of Izuku's hand and began to play for his student.

"I have brought you
to the seat of sweet
music's throne . . .
to this kingdom
where all must pay
homage to music . . .
music . . .
You have come here,
for one purpose,
and one alone . . .
Since the moment
I first heard you sing,
I have needed
you with me,
to serve me, to sing,
for my music . . .
my music . . ."

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