~Chapter Nine~

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Four months. Four long yet silent months.

That's how long the Opera Popularie had been closed for. It was a little vacation for everyone that worked and performed at the opera house, as a 'thank you' from Yamada and Aizawa. Everyone either went to spend time with their family or friends, while some even went out of the country.

However, with Izuku, he chose to stay with Bakugo. He figured that Uraraka wanted to spend time with her family and her Tenya, since their relationship has blossomed. So he chose to stay with his lover and the two spent as much time as they could with each other for those four months.

The two did everything they could together; They slept in the same bed together, they ate together, they walked together, they practically read the same book together. It was scary how much time these two spent their time together. But it was to be expected, according to Bakugou's mother and father who supported the relationship between the two males.

What was even more surprising were two things. One of them being that the two managers had decided to host a masquerade ball on the opening night of the new season. They figured that before they got to work, a little party would do them some good. Everyone in the opera house and even others were invited as long as they wore a mask and their best outfits.

And the second was the night before the masquerade ball was Bakugo proposing to Izuku. It was rather unexpected as when the two were having their evening dinner with Bakugo's parents, the blonde kneeled down on one knee and pulled out a pink diamond ring from his pocket before holding it out to the green haired boy.

"Izuku Midoirya, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"

Izuku's eyes widened and tears instantly streamed down his cheeks. But they weren't tears of sadness, but rather happiness. He instantly nodded his head in excitement. "Yes! Yes, I will, Kacchan!"

The two kissed each other tenderly while the ring was slipped onto Izuku's ring finger, Bakugo's parents applauding the young couple in happiness. However, as the moment continued on, Izuku's mind kept wondering to the Phantom. How would he react to the news about this? And more importantly: Was Todoroki even still there? He couldn't lie that his heart still cared for his mysterious teacher, but he was in love with Bakugo now. There was no way he was still in love with Todoroki... Was there?

The next night was the masquerade ball. By the time the couple had arrived, it was already filled to the brim with so many people, some that Izuku recognized and others that he did not. He watched from the carriage the two resided in, his heart beat increasing and he swore he felt a few droplets of sweat stream down his forehead.

"Deku?" Bakugo's gentle voice scared the green haired boy, causing him to jump a little, "I'm sorry I scared you. I just wanted to see if you were alright. You've been rather quiet."

"I... I'm alright, Kacchan. I promise. I just... I'm worried. This is my very first party that I've been too and I'm worried about messing up in front of everyone. And I'm also worried that he's going to be there. And he'll ruin things just like he did before and-" He was cut off as soon he was pulled into a deep yet passionate kiss by his fiancé. He stood still with his eyes wide opened for a moment, but he felt his eyes shut gently as he returned the kiss.

The two pulled away, a small trail of salvia connecting their lips as little pants escaped them. "My little Deku, you worry too much. You'll be the belle of the ball, literally and figuratively. And I've told you before - This Phantom isn't real. He's just a silly story. And he won't hurt you. Not while I'm around."

The two embraced in a tight hug, a sigh escaping from Izuku's lips. He needed to relax. Nothing had was going to happen at this ball. They were going to have a good time, and that would be all. And then tomorrow, they would work on the newest show to start off the season right. No more, no less.

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