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A/N: Bruh, I had such a scare lately cause I thought this book was gone, it disappeared because of some glitch going around Wattpad but I'm so happy they fixed it, I'm so happy to have it back. AND I am so happy that this story has 52 reads. Wow, that is insane and I'm so grateful. Thank you to everyone! Seriously, thank you to everyone who has voted, everyone who has saved this to their list, thank you to everyone who read this, and thank you to everyone who has read this and came back for more. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't say it enough but I have to shut up because this Author's Note is way too long and we're here for the story.


After losing the NEVER Openweight Championship, Carmen did a few shows for CMLL, even picking up a title win.  However, she lost it after a two week reign.

Carmen decided to train at the dojo in California since she is focusing on one day winning the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship.

She felt like luck wasn't on her side anymore.

Carmen had arrived in Japan again to accompany the guys to the ring, she learned last minute that they were adding a new addition to Bullet Club.

Carmen thought Anderson and AJ Styles telling her the Club memo in her direct messages last minute while she was at baggage claim was a plot. She didn't want to seem paranoid but she had a feeling.
It had been become a rerun performance consisting of the guys wanting to bring someone new and Carmen voicing her opinion then being shut down. She looked up to Machine Gun Anderson and AJ Styles, who had helped her and trained her, but there were times she felt like second class. At the end of the day she just goes with the flow, because no one is bigger than Bullet Club. 

One of the rules of the Club, and the most important rule, is you do what's best for the Club.

Witnessing Prince Devitt's creation turning on him, Carmen knew just to let any trouble with the Club go. If the creator wasn't safe from his own creation, nobody was safe.

"I introduce, The Cleaner, Kenny Omega!" Anderson announces and the arena goes crazy.

Carmen snaps out her thoughts and observes the transformed man.

This wasn't the Kenny Omega she had many matches with before. He was covered in leather and had huge glasses which reflected the lights that covered the wrestlers.
He held a toothpick between his lips and his former bleach blond locks were jet black with silver highlights.

Carmen didn't know how to react, the audience was going insane and her stablemates were celebrating. She wanted to pick her reaction carefully; either she cheers with the rest of the men, she laughs, or she gives no reaction at all.

"Why the fuck would he join Bullet Club?" Carmen says under her breath before she gives a smile.

Carmen remembers all the times Kenny was beaten to a pulp thanks to the Bullet Club, what was happening confused her. Why would Kenny join Bullet Club and who let Kenny join?

After the show, the guys decided to take Kenny out on the town.

"Let's go for sushi!" Carmen threw the idea out there hoping the guys would catch on.

"Yeah, sushi is fine." Kenny agreed.

As Carmen waits for the guys to change, she checked her social media. She sees a video on her timeline, she hesitates but presses play anyway.

She smiles as she sees Devitt's face on her screen.

He was now on NXT, she heard a lot about it, it was suppose to be some talent development program. She makes a mental memo to subscribe to the WWE Network as she begins reading the comment section.

"Hey, you ready?" Nick asks Carmen ahead of her letting out a yelp. Nick caused her to turn her head so fast her neck started to hurt.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll catch up with you guys." She assured him as she rubs her neck.


They were entering the Tokyo nightclub, Bullet Club had an amazing night at Wrestling Kingdom.

Carmen Alvarez sat down next to Kenny Omega who was now the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion. If she was completely honest with herself, she'd admit she felt a tinge of jealousy towards the man. However, she bought everyone a round of premium tequila shots.

After three Smirnoff and sodas, a few tequila shots, and a bottle of beer; Carmen decided to leave the guys and head back to the hotel by herself.

She walked through the winter streets of Tokyo, stumbling every once in a while. The alcohol made the cold air easy on her skin, in fact, she felt too warm.

When she had reached her hotel then rode the elevator to her room, she walked into her room and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She unlocks the screen and searched for Devitt's name in her phone. She types a simple 'i miss you'.


A/N: To me, Kenny Omega joining Bullet Club was such a plot twist. It's like if Jeff Hardy had joined Aces&Eights or something like that. Like imagine getting jumped by a gang then later joining said gang. I love Kenny though.

BTW, this chapter was totally unedited so if there's any mistakes, I'm sorry.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who has read this, I'll see you on the next chapter. Bye bye.

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