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Carmen opens her eyes but closes them again, the bright lights irritating her pupils.


"Bella, what the fuck happened?" Carmen tries to open her eyes again.

"You passed the fuck out."

"I what?" Carmen pushes herself up and takes in her surroundings. Bella was standing next to her and a medic with a clipboard was looking at her.

"Hello, Carmen, we did some tests. It doesn't seem like you have any signs of a concussion or injury so that's good. However, your sister told me you took a really long flight here from Japan and havent been eating well or drinking water. I believe you will be fine, I recommend some much needed rest and a good balanced meal." The medical personel tells her.

"Thank you so much. I'm more embarrassed than physically hurt."

"Don't be, it happens more often than you think."

"Well thank you, we'll go check into the hotel." Carmen gets up and goes through the door, she then sees Devitt leaning on a wall looking really tired.


"Carmen, I was worried."

"She's fine, her crazyness caught up to her."

"That's good, I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Well I'm ok." Carmen gives him a smile.

"I should go to my hotel room, congratulations." Devitt said before walking away.

"Thank you." She watched as he disappeared.

"That was awkward." Bella thought out loud.


The next day, after breakfast, Bella went to take a shower and Carmen calls her boyfriend on FaceTime.

"Hey, did you watch last night?"

"Yeah. That was cool, your suit thing was really sexy." Dominick smirked.

"I guess." She lets out a chuckle before getting into a more comfortable position on her bed. "I'm so tired."

"Me too." He agreed. "I wish you were here in bed with me."

"Me too. Your bed is so comfortable."

"I miss you, a lot. Something else misses you too."

"Dom, no, my sister is in the next room."

He sighs.

"It's been so long."

"I know. You don't think I want to? I do. I'm just busy."

Dom sighs again.

Carmen hears a noise and sees her sister in a new dress walk out the bathroom.

"I should go. Bye."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Carmen pushes the red button and sighs loudly.

"Is something wrong?" Bella asks.



Carmen gets into the Raw ring. She holds the microphone close to her and she makes herself known to the crowd. Introducing her name and her identity.

"I have a choice between the Raw Women's Championship, currently being held by Alexa Bliss or the Smackdown Women's Championship currently with Charlotte Flair. Whoever I pick I will face at WrestleMania. I'm THE challenger right now but it's those girls that have to watch out because I'm not like any other competitor they've seen before. I won the Royal Rumble my first time on my debut. That was just day one, day one of my WWE career. That was just day one. How many people can say that? How many people can say they won the Royal Rumble on their debut? Exactly. Now, everyone wants to know who I will pick."

"That's smart. I'm fine with that." Carmen shrugs her shoulders.

That's when Nia Jax comes out and starts complaining. She challenges for Carmen's contendership.

"Nope!" Carmen says in her mic. "No, I won. You can't challenge for my contendership, you got eliminated. You were on the floor, right there." Carmen points to the floor. "I won, get over it."

"Actually, Carmen, she can challenge for your contendership." Stephanie McMahon spoke up.

"Ok, you want a shot? Then let's go right here, right now."

"Actually you have a match against the woman who lasted longest in the women's Royal Rumble, Sasha Banks." Stephanie spoke into the mic as Sasha's music began to play.

Some time after she won her match, Carmen finally meets up with Anderson and Gallows.

"It's been so long, I miss you guys." She smiles at the taller men.

"Yeah I honestly missed you too." Anderson answers. "I feel like a teacher seeing my student after school. You seem more mature than the last time I saw you."

"Really? Cause it seems like you got more immature the last time I saw you." Carmen tries to hold a laugh.

"Well I try my best to age gracefully."

"Yeah some people call that a mid-life crisis."

"You got more sassy since I last saw you Savage."

"Oh my god, so you're even going to call me that outside of Japan?"

"I think it's a great nickname." Gallows gives his two cents.

"Thanks, Festus." Carmen smirks.

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