Chapter 3: Day With Friends

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Kyla pov:

I sat at my desk in school, zoned out at whatever was happening, they were explaining something about the fourth Hokage, but I've read books on him, I know what he did for our village and I know lots about him I don't need to know what I already know.

The bell soon went and we were dismissed, as I packed my books in my bag, Neji came over to me with a boy and girl who both had a gentle kind smile on their face, the girl name was Shiori Sorano, she had her royal blonde hair in curls, loosely hanging bellow her shoulders, her eyes were a beautiful cyan colour and she wore a black short sleeved shirt with dark blue leggings and dark grey trainers. The boy's name was Nico Yakamaro, he had red spiky hair with brown shining eyes, he wore a white hoodie that had a dark green leaf symbol on the right upper chest. He also wore black jogging bottoms with white trainers.

"We we're wondering, if you would like to hang out with us" Nico asked as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I pondered for a moment, Sasuke is always complaining Itachi is busy, I should probably go to him, but a part of me really wants to make friends in my class, I don't just want to be the Uchiha princess who is alone. 

Without consent from my mind, I nodded agreeing to come and I trailed behind the group as we went to a location unknown to me. Shiori fell back with me to talk.  "So I hear your betrothed to Neji-kun" she teased, elbowing me lightly. "Yeah, we're gonna get married" I stated glancing to the side. "Are you excited?" she asked joyfully. "Marriage means we get to fight lots, he's a formidable foe, so I look forward to sparing with him" I smiled at her and she giggled at me.

"No silly, marriage is when you fall in love with somebody, you will sleep in the same bed and cuddle and then you will have children and you will be kissy kissy partners, you will protect each other and care" she explained making gestures at 'kissy kissy partners' and all I could think was... ew. 

She burst out laughing at the face I pulled when hearing what Neji and I would become. "It was our clans decision, not ours, this is our destiny" Neji stated drowning into the conversation making Nico roll his eyes at us. "Anything for my clan" I stated with a soft smile.

We finally arrived at our destination which was a cliff which over looked a pond, why are we here..? "Have you ever jumped off a cliff before?" Nico asked as he began removing his jumper making me avert my eyes. "N-no" I muttered  a little scared. Neji just looked at me before holding his hand out in my direction, "Nico chose today's activity, we meet at the park every Tuesday and do something, Last week I chose training and the week before Shiori chose baking a massive cake, we ended up sharing it with all three of our clans, it was big, you should meet with us, you might find you have fun, take my hand, I'll jump with you" he explained giving me a gentle smile, I nodded in reply taking his hand. Shiori winked at me making me turn red as Nico jumped off the cliff edge, screaming a wooohooo as he went down. 

Shiori was next, she giggled as she first jumped but was quiet the rest of the way before their was a splash, they both started cheering us on and I looked at Neji nervously. "We wont go until you're ready, I promise" he said soothingly and I squeezed his hand lightly and gave him a nod as we edged our way closer to the edge, I looked down and swallowed, that's a long way down.

"The count of three?" Neji asked and I agreed.

"One... Two...Three" he said and like agreed on three we jumped, I squeezed his hand tightly as we went down and we then splashed in the water, where our hands fell apart. I actually had a lot of fun doing that. We splashed around in the water giggling and laughing at each other until our hands began to wrinkle. We then got out and the time was around 4.30 pm, we left school at 2:30 so we've been out for 2 hours and I've had a blast. 

"Let's go get some DANGO'S" Nico yelled pumping his fist in the air making me smile lightly as everybody agreed, I actually don't like dango's but I went along anyways. I ordered a pack of eight dango's to take home for my family and got myself some tea and sat their sipping it as everybody else munched on their treats. "Kyla, aren't you going to eat your dango's you ordered eight and haven't ate one" Shiori said curiously. "Oh, no, I don't like dango's, I got them for my family" I explained with a light smile. "Oh I'm sorry, It's our first time out and I chose a food you don't like" Nico said shamefully. 

"oh no, I don't mind, really, I had fun today and anyways, I have dinner at half 5 so eating now might spoil my appetite" I stated with a giggle.

"Will you come next week? we meet at the park at 3, you will know about what we're doing before hand in case you need a swimming costume like you did today" Shiori explained and I nodded. "I look forward too it! anyways I must go, my dinner will be done soon, mom doesn't like when we're late"  

I exchanged my goodbyes with my friends as I got up and left to go back to my family. I walked through the door of my house and exchanged my ninja sandals for slippers and entered the kitchen where mom was just dishing dinner up. "Kyla, did you go out after school? You normally come home hours ago" mom said as she passed me knives and forks to put at each seat. "Yeah I went out with Neji, Shiori and Nico, I agreed to go out with them every Tuesday, if that's okay with you" I explained placing them out at each seat. "That's fine, after two years its good you're making friends, even better that it's with Neji, after all its no good marrying someone you don't know" I lightly smiled at her and nodded remembering what Shiori said about marriage.

After that day, every day I met with the three of them for lunch times, and every Tuesday we went out, we had fun and we all became the best of friends. 

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