Chapter 14: Day with Neji

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Neji pov:

I woke up to feel something weighing down on my side, I opened my eyes to see Kyla asleep with her head on my stomach, I looked around the room and sighed I was in the hospital, I remembered the previous battle and gripped the bed sheets in annoyance, I had lost. I failed. This is the first mission I've ever failed.

I looked down at the Uchiha princess on my lap and ran my fingers through her hair gently trying not to wake her, she looked so peaceful... I failed her though, the mission I failed was to bring her brother back, and I couldn't do it. I felt her beginning to stir and i retracted my hand from her head.

"Neji" she muttered looking up at me tiredly before her eyes widened in shock and she hugged me tightly "I'm so glad you're okay" she whispered barely audible before pushing away from me holding my shoulders, her eyes began tearing up. "You idiot! Do you know how scared I was! You could have died and -and you were so injured you-" I cut her off half way through her rant and pulled her into my arms "Shhh" I muttered into her ear and stroked her hair, I could hear her crying and it hurt knowing that was my fault."I'm sorry" I muttered into her hair, and I wasn't sure if I was apologising for her brother or scaring her or both.

"Oh sorry to intrude, love birds" a voice came from the door making her release me instantly and turn around, Shiori and Nico were stood in the doorway. 

"Oh hi, Shiori and Nico" she muttered wiping her tears.

Kyla pov:

We all spend and hour talking before a nurse came in and released Neji, and Shiori and Nico had to go out on a mission leaving me and Neji alone together.

"Lets get some food" Neji suggested and we walked towards the BBQ place in a comfortable silence, his fingers were intertwined with mine and it felt so warm and comfortable, maybe this betrothed thing isn't bad at all.

When we reached the restaurant we sat in a booth even though there were just two of us as this is where the lady told us to sit, we both looked over the menu before the lady came back to take our order, Neji asked for stake and chips, medium-rare and I asked for Hunters chicken with chips we ate with chatter and random questions being asked.

"What are your team like?" I asked Neji as I cut my chicken into manageable sizes a small smile graced his lips as I asked this.

"Rock Lee, but we all call him Lee, he's... a believer in youth, he is always very energetic and free spirited, he cant preform genjutsu or ninjutsu, he only uses taijutsu, in the chunin exams he lost his ability to be a ninja but thanks to Lady Tsunade, that problem is solved. Tenten, she's a weapons master, she is depicted as naturally inquisitive and observant, she's strong but lacks patients. And then theirs Gai-sensei, Hes an elder version of Lee, with extra youth" He explained with a small sweat drop when mentioning youth.

I smiled softly at him "They sound wonderful" I said with a small laugh and he shook his head at me "What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked me as he finished his stake. 

"Hmmm well unless lady Tsunade has a mission for me, I've got nothing planned" I stated thoughtfully.

"Great its decided, tomorrow, 6 am meet me at training ground 6" He explained with a smile.

"Woah hold your horses, 6 am? Who the hell is awake at 6 am... Can't it be a more reasonable time like Hm I don't know 2 pm?" I stated already tired at the thought of 6 am.

"Lee and Gai are 'youthful' so we meet early, you don't have to come but I'd like you to meet my team, especially since I'm pretty sure your only friends are Shiori, Nico and myself" he explained smiling slyly at me and I blushed in embarrassment, he's right they're my only friends. 

"I'll be there" I muttered as the lady came over to give us our check, I reached for my purse but before I could pay, Neji did.

"I could have payed you know" I muttered before he answered with "I'm making you get up at 6 am, so let me pay for our food" I huffed playfully before thanking him.

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