Music education

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Shizuko's POV

I panted heavily as I ran towards the school, I'd overslept, and was running late for class. I ignored the painful sting in my abdomen serving as a reminder for the poor test result I'd had to hand my father yesterday. I stumbled and almost fell as I tripped in my own feet. I managed to stay on my feet and rounded the last corner and the school came into view. I stopped at the entrance buckling over, my hands were on my knees as I panted heavily. Judging from all the students still roaming around outside, the first bell hadn't rung yet. I sighed heavily in relief between my panting. A car rolled up behind me and a few seconds later a familiar frame stepped up beside me just at the bell rang. 

"Overslept?" Akashi was clearly amused at my unshelved appearance and I glared at him sourly as I straightened my back and marched towards the school without replying. 

"Ah, so it's that mood today." I heard him talking to himself behind me and I couldn't resist the urge to flip him off over my shoulder. I didn't even turn to him as I did, even though I was painfully aware of what I'd done with that action. An annoyed growl sounded behind me and he followed me with determined steps. I didn't try and run as he chaught up to me and grabbed my arm firmly. He yanked me back and forced me to look at him. I stared at him passively, he didn't speak. Probably busy trying to think of a way to punish me. I jerked my arm out of his grip and continued walking. 

"We're going to be late for class" I grumbled, no way in hell was I going to let him hinder me in getting in there on time when I'd actually bothered to run all the way here. 

First class was music class, another of my favorite subjects and the only reason I'd cared enough to run all the way here. Akashi continued to glare at me through the entire first part of class, while the teacher nagged about music theory. I flat out ignored him, fully focused on the teaching, taking notes and answering the teacher's questions. This was the only class except P.E which I'd actively participate. I already knew all the stuff the teacher was talking about, but it was still smart to take notes for the upcoming test. During short break I sat by my desk, with my legs propped up on the table, and my notebook in my lap. I continued to ignore Akashi's questions as I scribbled lyrics into the book. If he tried to force me to look at him, or touch me I'd hiss at him in warning, making him retreat again. Despite the hostile mood between the two of us I still relaxed when he was around. I'd given up on trying to shake him, he wasn't going to give up, it was a waste of energy to try and make him stop. So instead I ignored him to the best of my abilies. 

I smirked in satisfaction while I remembered how he'd snapped at me two weeks ago, I had him running on his fumes. He'd never expected that I'd manage to resist him for six months. The winter was already well on it's way and he was loosing his patience. All I had to do was wait for him to realize it was no use, he was going to give up sooner or later. And if he didn't I could simply keep this up our entire run of highschool. Then I'd never have to see him again.

As the bell rang and everyone flooded back into the classroom I got up, stolling to the back of the room where we had a piano standing. Everyone else gathered around as well, Yuuki came to stand beside me, and I smiled at her warmly. My friendly tone towards the timid, but sharp girl also seemed to annoy Akashi, so I made a point in treating her nicely just to rub it in his face. 

As the teacher returned and sat by the piano I turned my attention towards her. She set up the notes and opened the lid to reveal the beautiful instrument. I'd brought my water bottle with me to the back and had it sitting on a nearby desk. My voice was still not in perfect shape and it was seriously starting to bother me. By the time we'd finished the first song I was coughing violently and had the unmistakable taste of blood in my mouth. I noticed Akashi staring at me as I drank my water, he had a thoughtful expression on his face. It bothered me that I made everyone wait for me, but I couldn't stop the coughing. I really hoped that whatever it was it'd go away soon. 

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