Chapter 1

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"Ugh!!!" I slowly open my eyes after harshly shutting the alarm clock off. I blink as my eyes come to focus. Jump out of my bed going to the bathroom and taking a quick shower, I finish doing my morning routine.

Looking for the right outfit is hard. I shuffle the clothes around my closet as I find the perfect outfit for work. Some thing simple and comfortable. I take my bag with the camera equipment and head out the apartment.

Once downstairs in the lobby, I take out my phone and call Mina. The phone rings three times before she picks up. "Morning! You ready to fetch some breakfast and get to the company?" She asks excitedly.

"Yup! Where are we meeting up?" I ask her stepping outside the building. I look around, there's a lot of people walking around, and the traffic seems endless.

"At (coffee shop name). I'll be there in... ten minutes!" She says. I roll my eyes, because I know that 10 minutes turn out to be 30 minutes and so on.

"Okay see you there!" I end the call to concentrate better as I walk. I have to push through as people keep on crowding up the streets.

Shortly I find myself in front of the coffee shop and happily entering. I ask for a cappuccino and a butter toast. I sit down to wait for my friend. 30 minutes later she walks in huffing and puffing like she had ran a mile. She buys her own breakfast and learns I had already eaten mine. "So what are we doing after this?" I ask as she gulps down a piece of buchjeon.

"After this we are going to the company."

"But we still have time till 1 PM! Why so early?" I ask looking at my watch. It's already 10:17 AM. Did I wait for her that long? I sigh looking around annoyed.
"Yes, the director said he wanted us to meet the cast so we could get familiar with the people we'll be working with."

"Oh.." I echo,"Fine then. Let me go to the bathroom before we head out." She nods okay, proceeding to finish her delicious breakfast.

Once in the bathroom I freshen my face up a little do my own thing and also apply a little makeup here and there. When I feel comfortable and confident enough I step out. My phone starts to right loudly. As I walk, my eyes on the phone screen, I bump into a person. My phone falls, I reach down for it and it seems the person who I bumped with had the same idea. As we both reach for the phone at the same time, our foreheads collide with each other. We both hiss in pain. "Ouch!" I say putting a hand to my forehead.

"Ah! I'm so sorry miss! I didn't mean to hurt you." The soft, deep voice belonged to a man. I look up. The guy wears a black mask and a cap. He is very tall which makes me feel like a tiny elf... well I am 5'1 after all. "Nah, it's okay, I tend to be clumsy." I try to explain with a nervous laugh.

He chuckles reaching his hand towards me. "Here, you dropped this." He says handing me my phone. I take the phone with a smile. "Thanks!" I look at the screen, it's all cracked. Damn it! This phone was new. I frown, my eyebrows knitting together. "What happened?" He asks, his voice has a worried ring.

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