Chapter 1

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~ 2nd March 2020 ~

When life gets hectic, all anyone wants is a distraction - something to focus on until all of the chaos simply goes away. It works the other way too. Sometimes life gets too slow, and you're forced to pass the time by thinking, and that's quite dangerous for most people; getting lost in your own mind isn't always the most productive. But if the distraction comes around before you fall into the trap, it's always more than welcomed.

For Luba Mushtuk, a beautiful dancer who found acclaim on BBC's strictly, her distraction began today. Over the course of the past few months, life changed so dramatically for her. She's done some things that she isn't exactly proud of; made some choices that she's come to regret. But she can't live in shame forever, and she's hoping that joining the cast of the professionals tour will be the new adventure she so desperately needs at the moment.

Today, all of the cast are meeting up to do some photoshoots and go through a little general promotion for the upcoming tour. After the success of the show last year, they've definitely kicked it up a notch for this time around: as opposed to smaller venues, they've managed to sell out arenas and even brought a few new professional dancer along with them, including Luba herself. Since seeing the amazing show last year, Luba promised herself that, one year, she'd tag along. Granted, it wasn't meant to be the year after. But after all that's happened, waltzing away on tour seemed the perfect way to clear her head.

Once she arrived at the studio, Luba begins to scan the room for any familiar faces. Almost immediately, she catches the eye of one of her best friends, Nadiya Bychkova, who's sitting at a nearby table. Luba walks over and sits opposite her, smiling from ear to ear.

"Heya!" Nadiya exclaims before leaning over and giving Luba a tight squeeze.

Unlike Luba, Nadiya had been on the professionals tour the year prior; also unlike Luba, Nadiya's reasons for coming along this time around were a lot less complicated.  She simply had a great time last year and wanted a repeat for this year. Although, in general, it would be fair to say that Nadiya was more simple woman than Luba in most ways. Luba's life had a lot of complication, rejection from several and overall, carried alot of baggage with her. And while no one is 100% squeaky clean, Nadiya has managed to get through life with a smile on her face - something Luba couldn't always relate to.

"So, how've you been?" Nadiya beams.
"Okay.." Luba dismisses. "A little all over the place but I'm good."
"Oh..? Anything I can do?"
"... Nah. I'm hoping it'll fix itself as time goes on."

Interrupting their little conversation, a smiley Neil Jones walks up to the pair and sits himself next to them both. He was one of Luba's really close friends and he really got along with Nadiya too. He was on the pro tour last year too, and jumped at the chance when they asked him again. After all, it was one of the best show experiences he's ever had. So why wouldn't he want to go back?

"Oh good. Your hair is in a ponytail. I'm safe." Neil laughs at Luba.

They always had an inside joke about Luba flicking Neil with her hair, they filmed tonnes of videos making fun of it and it always made them all laugh. Just to prove a point, Luba grabbed her ponytail and flicks it into his face, causing all three of them to crack up in hysterics.

"Guys, can we just quickly get your attention?" One of the tour managers, Lily, calls out.

Everyone turns to the young woman. There was a definite sense of excitement and anticipation in the air, and that's something to be expected. After all, being part of something so grand in scale is at the least an accomplishment. But above that, it's just fun, and who doesn't love a bit of fun? Of course, the pros have to tour to stay relevant, and you'll always get people who say that their productions are nothing but a money making scheme. But everyone who's there knows that it's so much more happy and genuine than that.

"So, we're going to do individual shots first, then a few partner shots, and a couple of group shots." Lily announces. "We're just going to alphabetically for ease, so Dianne, can you just pop into makeup?"

The beautiful redhead smiles, the gracefully exists into the makeup room. Since they were going in alphabetical order, Luba and Nadiya had plenty of time to catch up amongst themselves and have a girly girl chat: something Nadiya loved doing and something Luba just needed in general.

"By the way, has Katya turned up yet?" Lily questions.

Luba instantly feels her stomach knot up, she puts her head down and remains silent. Everyone else looks around them, but no one can see her. It may be a little confusing, but it's nothing to be alarmed about; not yet, anyway. Katya's only about ten minutes late, and while it's not like her, there are so many simple explanations. Maybe she's stuck in traffic; her alarm didn't go off etc. Chances are, she'll turn up in about five minutes, apologising her face off.

"Well, Katya's photoshoot isn't until later, so can you guys try and get hold of her in the meantime? Thanks guys" Lily finalises before following Dianne into the makeup room.

Nadiya pulls out her phone and texts Katya, wanting to know her whereabouts. Luba stays quiet. Neil tries calling her, but doesn't get any answer; he presumes the lack of answer is because she's probably driving herself there as they speak. Katya's generally a punctual person, there's easily an explanation behind this.

"What're we betting? She's fallen down a well?" Neil chuckles.
"Knowing Katya, she's broken a nail and had a little freak" Nadiya replies, also giggling. "Come to think of it though.. I've not heard from Katya since at least January."

Neil's face scrunches up, thinking. Now that Nadiya's put the thought in his head, he hasn't  heard from Katya in ages either. Of course, it's a different dynamic with him and Katya as opposed to with one of her girl friends. But they were on good terms, given their circumstance, and Nadiya not having contact either does put forward a slightly weird feeling.

"What about you Luba? Katya messaged you at all?" Neil asks.
"Um.. no, not.. um, not recently." She stumbles.

This does mildly maximise that weird feeling. No contact with Neil is one thing; When you look at the past two years, some may even say it's understandable. But no contact with Nadiya is slightly different and nothing to Luba either is genuinely a little worrying. After all, Luba and Katya used to spend a lot of time together, especially over the course of last series. What if something upset her? Or if something was wrong?

"Well, how about, if she doesn't turn up later, we can go to her flat and see what's going on?" Nadiya suggests.
"Yeah, I'm up for that" Neil agrees. "Luba?"
"Um.. sure." She says, her mind slightly vacant. "I'm just going to go use the bathroom.."

Without saying an extra word, Luba gets up and heads towards the toilets. Neil and Nadiya look towards each other, their eyes filled with a hint of concern.

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