Chapter 23

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~ 16th March 2020 ~

Once the trio were back inside Neil's house, Luba instantly crashes onto his sofa, her eyes still teary. Today has been an absolute whirlwind. She woke up in a holding cell; revealed her deepest secret to Nadiya; revealed her deepest secret to the police; got released from police custody and after it all, she's obviously exhausted.

All she wants to do, right now, is sleep and get it all out of her system. Plus, she needs a shower after being in stuffy rooms all day - just some simple basics wouldn't go a miss. But there's one thing that she's absolutely craving right now, and she's hoping that her friend won't let her down on it.

"Neil..? Do you have any Nutella..? I'm starving.." she asks sleepily.
"Of course I do.." Neil chuckles.
"I'll go get you some toast. Neil, make sure she doesn't pass out before I bring it over.." Nadiya giggles along before walking to the kitchen.

Anyone could see how out of it Luba is; she looks so dazed, completely unaware of the world around her. What's quite sad is that it's the most peaceful she's appeared in weeks. Neil doesn't want to ruin that for her.. but since his encounter with Katya's mother in the police station, something has been whizzing through his mind. Granted, telling Luba might snap her from the sleepy little world, but it would be foolish not to mention it. Besides, if anyone deserves to know, it's her.

"Luba-" he begins.
"They didn't believe me at first.." she interrupts, still half asleep. "About me and Kat.."
Neil sighs. "I'm sorry they thought that.. but Luba, I need to tell you something.." he says, before realising that she's completely fallen asleep on the sofa.

Nadiya walks back over to the pair with a plate of toast, covered in Nutella. She places it on the coffee table and sits next to Neil; they both chuckle at the sleeping beauty in front of them.

"What do you want to tell her?" Nadiya asks, gazing over at Luba.
"Something about Katya.. I know it's important, but I don't want to wake her up.."
"Oh that's an easy fix!" She laughs. "Luba, there's Nutella on the table."

Almost instantly, Luba's eyes shoot open and she quickly sits up, eagerly eyeing up the toast. Both Neil and Nadiya have a slight giggle as their friend picks up the plate and begins to eat her beloved Nutella.

"Now you've got some food in you.. you up to hearing something about Katya?" Neil asks.
Luba nods as her and Nadiya listen in.
"While we were waiting for you, her mother walked in.. she seems pretty angry at you.." he explains.

From this alone, Luba assumes it's because no one has explained her innocence. Besides, it's hard to do that without mentioning her and Katya's relationship - which she's glad hasn't been revealed to Tatiana yet. But Neil's has a hunch since leaving the police station, and it wasn't a good one. Although, it would be unfair if he didn't explain what he thought to Luba; out of everyone, she deserves to be kept in the know. Even if it's just a theory.

"I don't blame her.. she thinks I hurt her daughter, of course she'll be angry." Luba says.
"I.. I think she knows something." He reveals.

Nadiya and Luba's eyes widen. Why would Tatiana know something and not tell anyone? She's Katya's mother! If anyone has been traumatised by this, it's her. But even if she does know something, how on earth can Neil tell?

"I was there too, she didn't say anything weird.. a little angry maybe, but as Luba said, who can blame her for that?" Nadiya says.
"Luba, she said that you 'converted' Katya.. that she was normal before you came into her life.." Neil explains. "What if she means about Katya being with another woman.?"

Since Nadiya heard Tatiana say that too, her mind starts racing, analysing every sentence that she said. She had just assumed she meant that Katya was safe until Luba supposedly hurt her (even though they know that's not true now).

"Katya was on about telling her family about us the last time we saw each other.. I guess she must've told her.." Luba says, eating another slice of toast.
"But if nobody knew about your relationship when you were last together.. how would Tatiana know?" Neil responds. "She could've only known if Katya told her, and Katya could've only told her after you last saw her.." he explains.

Neil's way of thinking was that Tatiana might be lying about when she last saw Kat; so far, her entire family have claimed that the last time they were with Katya was when she visited Russia, the previous July. For Tatiana to know about Luba, she must've seen Katya after that point. And if that part is a lie, how much else is a lie?

"She could've told her over the phone?" Nadiya suggests.
"Something that huge? I doubt it.." he replies.

As Neil was explaining, Luba's chest was tightening and she was struggling to breath; she doesn't want to believe what Neil is saying, but it makes a lot of sense. And she's starting to think what Neil thinks - if that part isn't true, then just how much is there that she's hiding?

Still finding breathing difficult, Luba's breaths become shallow and she slowly begins to hyperventilate. Everything has just been so overwhelming, and she's struggling to cope with it all. This isn't an everyday inconvenience, her whole life has been flipped upside down in the worst possible way. How can the world be so cruel..?

Nadiya moves to sit next to her friend, wrapping her arms around her for comfort. The moment they make constant, Luba flinched and she immediately stands up.

"I need to go.." she says suddenly, heading towards the door.
Nadiya grabs her hand, keeping her there. "Go where..?"
"I need to go." Luba repeats, still breathless.

Neil also stands up, walking over to his friends. He tries to guide Luba to sit back down, but she seems really adamant on leaving for whatever reason.

"Luba, I don't want you to be on your own right now.." Neil says.
"Katya needs me! I'm going!" Luba cries, near breaking down on the spot.

Eventually, Luba breaks free from Nadiya's hold, and she strides outside with real intention. Despite being reluctant, her friends decide to let her go; once Luba decides something, she always does it. Besides, they assume that she'll be wanting to go home - that's where her and Katya lives together, so that's probably the place she feels closest to her.

Apart from where Luba's heading, there was another question wildly running through their minds:

Where the Hell was Katya fucking Jones..?

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